Charlotte Toh Big One
Charlotte Toh is ONE years old on 20 Dec 2020.
Due to Covid19, this babygirl of mine have to do two celebrations with just my family and my in laws. Or should I say three? Cos she had one in Infant Care. It's a very simple and intimate event that we did it for her. Actually to be exact, it's like only one celebration done for my family cos my in laws made a fuss over it. So yep, we did the celebration for my family on 11 Dec 2020. 11 December 2020.
A summary of 11 Dec 2020, we invited Joie too!
Thank goodness, this lil girl managed to have an hour of nap that day before my family arrives. We all know if she didn't sleep, she is so going to be so upset and all. It's always nice to see so many people loving my babygirl. On that day, she might be pretty clueless but I know she had fun. End of the day, as long as she is happy, I am happy too.
Look how loved she is by her grandparents.
She maybe rough but she is so loved. Everyone is beaming when they see her. The first grandchild in both HubbyLove and my side. π
With her Godmother and us!
Look at her staring at her durian cake and candle. Gosh, I was kinda panicking cos I customise the "Charlotte turns One". But so glad that we managed to have so many nice shots and we even got a mini durian cake from Prima Deli. So Charlotte got the same birthday cake as me. Hehe.
18 December 2020.
It's her first birthday too. Look how loved she is with all the θεΈ. Well they took care of her since 10 June 2020. So much love for this girls.
Prepared 20 goodies bags for all the cutiepies in Infant Care.
So happy to be able to do something. I bought everything from scratch just for this lil girl. Simple gift but I hope everyone who receives it love the gift. The 'unicorn' and 'rainbow' feel. (:
20 December 2020.
First stop is to head over to my in laws' place before our first staycation with Charlotte. Is a rainbow theme for her. Dressed her up then we headed over to in laws' place. Got some nice photos taken with Barley inside. Chloe practically went hiding. She is happily smiling in the photos too! Nice photos taken! Super happy with it.
Our first staycation begin from 2pm onwards after we are allowed to check in! Yay! She had a power nap in the car while we went out. Is always good when the lil one sleeps or else how to enjoy, you know. But bringing her out can be quite a madness. No sleep = fussiness x10.
But first after checking in...,