10 Things to be thankful during Circuit Breaker
  1. Family - B'coz of COVID19, I manage to spend extra 49 days with my baby daughter. It's considered like an extended maternity leave for me. Though I am officially back to work on 13 April, I still able to be able to beside by daughter and see her achieving more milestones. From a small lil babygirl to today, it's been an eye opening experience for me. Going through the month that she went bonkers i.e. not wanting to nap, screaming and crying, attracted to vacuum cleaner sounds, HubbyLove♥️ buying a yaolan for her to try making her sleep, not wanting milk. We have really gone through so much. But Charlotte has given me so much strengths that I never know I had. The patience level I never imagined I had when it comes towards handling my babygirl. So much. Though she's mischeivous, but she has been my bundle of joy. Till date, I still have no regret trying and having her.

  2. Family(2) - Thankful for the extra help this period. I supposed I have given a gazillion of unhappy face this whole period. But I respect her for buying food and cooking for us. I know I dislike the way she handle my daughter. Till now, I still dislike her. Just stop forcing her to sleep in the yaolan when it's only for 30mins. But still with their help, we are able to save food money and being able to focus on our work more.

  3. Family(3) - Closer to my family. I guess it's b'coz of my daughter, their granddaughter, I become closer to my mom and sister. My mom kinda whatsapp me daily asking about Charlotte. My sis too, but we talked random stuffs. I can't believe I complain about my MIL to my mom and sister. But yeah, this period made us closer. I like the kind of feeling we have for each other now. Whether or not, Desmond and them clicked, I will still care for them, I guess.

  4. Husband - We fight, we quarrel, we make up, we peace out, we joke among each other, we annoy each other, we head out with masks to buy desserts / hair cut / buy junk. End of the day, we love each other. This period made my husband home daily and I get to see him all day. He helped me to make milk every night when Charlotte wants milk. He helped me to shower her a lot of times too when I needed help. He make Charlotte laugh when I feel so tired at times. Though I am still upset with him for not giving me anything on Mother's Day but still thank you for those mini suprises i.e. Ben&Jerry Ice Cream, Porridge.. I love you! ♥️♥️

  5. Fan - I survived almost every single day with fan, sleeping with fan, napping with fan, working with fan. I don't have the luxury to sleep in the air con cos my nose can't deal with it and we do not want to let the oldies sleep in the fan when the weather already so hot. Though the weather is really bad for my skin but I am appreciative for the fan.

  6. Social Media - I am still able to communicate with my colleagues/friends via Teams / Whatsapp. Work has been bearable but at the same time, being able to communicate with my colleagues have been awesome. Good to hear them talk cock and having so much fun talking. It's good enough though we cannot meet.

  7. Anime - This period, I have spent quite alot of time in Netflix and anime streaming websites watching quite a few anime. I started Black Clover (still ongoing), Fruits Basket Season 1 etc. I almost have no shows to watch but thankfully Winnie introduced me and I am so happy! So glad for more shows.

  8. Barley - Being able to spend time with Barley since maternity and circuit breaker has been a gift. B'coz we won't him in Punggol so I really treasure this time with him. Though he bite on stuff, being very cheeky at times but he knows how to make my heart go soft at times. Managed to spend quite a few monthsary with him together! I know once we go back, time will be lesser but nonetheless I will always love my boy. 

  9. Saving money - This period, I am glad I can save quite a bit though I still spend on Qoo10 / Shopee. But this season made me realize how valuable money is. That is very important. I hope I can continue to save money for our future and most importantly buy things for my baby girl only. She is still my priority.

  10. 10) Job - I am so thankful that I still have my full time job! Hearing Desmond say that he is the 2nd customer to board the taxi when it's already half a day sadden my heart. Seeing news how people are losing their jobs and many people affected by COVID19 really sadden my heart but this period make me cherish my job more. Every single month being paid a salary is really essential to us now. I know work do have shitty people but it doesn't matter. I just do my work, go home on time. That's all it matters. 

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