10 Things to be thankful during Circuit Breaker Family - B'coz of COVID19, I manage to spend extra 49 days with my baby daughter. It's considered like an extended maternity leave for me. Though I am officially back to work on 13 April, I still able to be able to beside by daughter and see her achieving more milestones. From a small lil babygirl to today, it's been an eye opening experience for me. Going through the month that she went bonkers i.e. not wanting to nap, screaming and crying, attracted to vacuum cleaner sounds, HubbyLove ♥️ buying a yaolan for her to try making her sleep, not wanting milk. We have really gone through so much. But Charlotte has given me so much strengths that I never know I had. The patience level I never imagined I had when it comes towards handling my babygirl. So much. Though she's mischeivous, but she has been my bundle of joy. Till date, I still have no regret trying and having her. Family(2) - Thankful for the extra help this period....