#515 ; Birth story of Charlotte Toh

Basically I want to blog about how the event leading up to the arrival of Charlotte Toh. 

Dr JJ is back on 16 December 2019. Hooray! I took medical leave (PM) on 16 December 2019. Was given hospitalisation leave from 16 Dec - 20 Dec 2019. I was just feeling super thankful that Dr JJ is back from his leave. He always make me at ease especially when I was hospitalized the week before due to food poisoning. What a nightmare it was.

Dr JJ predicted a Christmas baby, told me about the upcoming visit will be on 21 Dec to check my cervix to see if I am dilated. Got our medicine, prepare to head home. So we went home, managed to convince the husband to let me work on 17 December 2019. In a way, it's also to see you again in 4 months times. Cos Jolin will be back on 17 Dec only. Didn't want to just be away. So back to office on 17 Dec, KFC with Jolin, ended my day well properly. I packed everything nicely. 

So 17 Dec, 18 Dec, 19 Dec, I spent this three days with Barley. Mother in law cooked porridge and bread for me. Super yummy! I slept till like a pig. Watched TV, played iPad, basically just do nothing. I did reply a few emails too then poof, I am on hospitalisation leave. Is just wow, I am really not working already. Barley spent those days with me in the room. I sleep he sleep. I move he move. Basically he is like my partner in crime. Haha. Fed him dinner too.

18 Dec, Desmond took a day leave cos of his boss swapping with him. He went to Malaysia with Joie to get diapers, and all the other baby essentials. I couldn't go cos I am already 37W. Very risky for me. So he went to get all the essentials. He got me Famous Amos cookies, Banana Cake, Otah bread and some of my favorites. Thank you HubbyLove. 

19 Dec, Desmond got Christmas event at night. For me, that day I ate like a pig. Really like a pig. I ate 2 Otah bread sharing with Barley, slices of Banana cake, porridge. Super good. I started on Dr Stone as well. So I kinda eat and eat. Then Desmond came home like finally about 9plus. I started complaining to Desmond about how lonely I am without him for two days straight cos he came home very late due to events and custom jam. So he slept while I played game all the way. He also woke up multiple times. Only at 1am then I decided to go to bed. 

20 Dec, by then I also cleared alot so time to sleep at 1am like that. I calculated. Desmond woke up 4 times. Silly me. I am also officially 38W! Suddenly at 1:48am, I rush to the toilet like instantly! What I remember is open toilet door, on light sit at toilet bowl cos there was an outburst of water streaming down! Desmond asked if it was waterbag. I say I don't know. Just sudden stream of water. It stopped but I wet my pants and underwear. He got me another pant and underwear to change. I sit at the bed don't know what to do. Cos I also don't know what happen. Desmond called Raffles Hospital. They also suspect waterbag burst. Changed clothes, worn a pad and realize it's abit pinkish. Not much. Father & Mother in law drove us down to the hospital. I tried gaming and playing, cleared it 100%! 

Reached the hospital like 2am. Nurses ask me to change and prepare. My stomach which feels like food poisoning, start to react. It feels like food poisoning that cramp. I felt water kinda dripping automatically. Ok so in simple, my waterbag burst. I had the cervix check (the one which should be checked by Dr JJ). I am dilated by 3cm at about 3am. Was asked if I want epidural and the thingy to poop. Dr JJ came to see me at about 3plus? 4plus? He was at A&E so he can see me once he's done. Nurses tell us they thought of disturbing him later cos it's too early but he is already here.

He checked me as well. So 3cm dilated. I remember enduring for almost 3hrs plus then I decided on the epidural. The 麻醉师 came and started on the procedure. Holy crap! It hurts but not as bad as the contraction! What the heck! My left leg start to numb but not the right leg. Nurses tell me probably cos baby is pressing somewhere so I felt it. I managed to sleep despite the pain. By 8:30am when Dr JJ comes, I am 7cm dilated and so thankful the right leg pain start to fade off. I really managed to sleep. In and out, I feel groggy and sleepy at the same time.

I am glad I took the epidural. It kinda almost killed me if I don't take. The pain is so unbearable until I know I will cry. I was in so much pain. I really cannot imagine those mom that didn't go for it. Amazing. Really amazing. Desmond went in and out settling things. At about 11:30am, Dr JJ came and check again. I am fully dilated, 10cm. So the midwives start to ask me to push and push. At about 1plus, within 10mins or less than 30mins, I pushed Charlotte out. We asked Dr JJ, Charlene or Charlotte. He chose Charlotte so thus our BabykinsToh officially have a name! She is Charlotte Toh. No regrets anymore. 

I remember my first reaction was omg omg omg omg for so many times. Felt like crying at the same time. But the omg impact was so huge. I finally see my girl's face after soooo long. She has always been hiding in ultrasound and today we finally see her. While Dr JJ stitches me, he was super calm. Desmond take pictures, we all talked but I really still in awe that my baby is out. 

20 December 2019, Friday at 13:50pm
Our Toh family expanded and we become a family of three with the addition of Charlotte Toh. 

I don't know how to tell you but I promise to love you with all my heart. I love you, Desmond & Charlotte. Let me focus on Charlotte first before planning another. Let me cherish this girl for now. From the day I found out I was pregnant on 2 May 2019 to the day I delivered Charlotte Toh. It's been 232 days long. 

I feel so gratitude to Dr JJ. So gratitude to Desmond. The two most important people that helped me through this journey with Charlotte. Days of wanting Fillet O Fish, Beancurd, Soy milk, 100 Plus, Sparkling water.. I will miss them. So many memories in the whole process. The birth of Charlotte just taught me a thing, from trying to be pregnant to being pregnant to delivering a baby is not easy. It needs a whole village to support you & you have to be stronger than anyone else.

I have more to say but this is enough. Enough to express my emotions. I just have to control myself.

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