#513 ; How we found out about BabykinsToh?

Time to share a story. A story that I've been wanting to share but can't think of which platform to use. But I guess, I will use my first love, Blogger, to share.

Before I start my story, let's begin from last year. I do not have regular menses. My menses is very irregular. The first time, it was due to Thyroid being too high but my Thyroid has since been back to normal. I've seen Chinese Doc and then I decided to see TKL @ Thomson. He is my colleague's brother in law. So HubbyLove♥ and I decided to try fixing my menses. We visited him quite abit for the year. I did ultrasounds, no medication. I even did a pelvis ultrasound to find out what's the course. So the doctor ask me to come down for my record review cos they found something. So they suspect it might be due to pregnancy? It might not, no idea.

So I took half day off then off I went to the clinic. Pee on a pregnancy kit, negative. So, Dr TKL start telling me that they found a clot/sac, he doesn't have any idea what it is. Is definitely not pregnant since it's negative. Then he told me it might be cancerous, might not be. He is unsure. He gave me two options.

  1. Do a surgery via something like a straw to extract the thing out to see what it is. Not 100% effective cos you might not really extract it all out.
  2. Do a day surgery which cost alot of money. That is more effective but more expensive.

So we left empty-handed and I guess I was not in the best of shape. HubbyLove♥ was on reservist, went down to be with me. After HubbyLove♥ talked to Joie, the advise was to get a second opinion. That's what we decided to do. See Dr JJ since all other Gynaecologists are unavailable during after working hours. Before I got married, we seen Dr JJ to fix my menses once. I stopped cos he mention my thyroid was high and wanna refer me to a specialist. HubbyLove♥ decided that I should not start medication since it's only 0.1 higher. Not a big amount. So I didn't see Dr JJ after that.

Basically my journey with TKL @ Thomson wasn't that good at all b'coz I did nothing but ultrasounds and blood test. HubbyLove♥ felt that it is taking a toll on my body. Also with the news of having something unknown inside, it just didn't help anything. No medicine, nothing at all. Our mindset was, maybe without medicine also good or else you will be hooked. Who knows in the end till the very last time we see TKL @ Thomson, we still do not get medication and basically asking me to go surgery to figure out what is that thing. On another note, I am glad I made the switch cos if I really did go for the surgery, I really don't know how much have I already spent despite insurance is able to claim.

My journey with Dr JJ officially starts. 

We explained our story. His goal, to get my pregnant and fix my menses at the same. Sound ambitious, uh. A miracle kinda happened as well. I had my menses after > 50 days! Dr JJ still willing to do an ultrasound to just see the clot. He told me, it was gone! Ok, you know I was shocked to hear that from him. He told me, it's gone, as in really gone. I was in disbelief. He told HubbyLove♥, it's probably a blood clot. Is gone now. So time to fix my menses and start having babies.

The day I see Dr JJ after so long was my 2nd day of menses. He started me on Clomifene. He told me I am probably not ovulating regularly causing my menses. He ask me to take it easy and come see him almost weekly to see when a mature egg is form and ask us to connect whenever the egg is mature and ready.

Every visit I see Dr JJ, I was prescribed with Clomifene and he will do an ultrasound. My condition start improvising. I went to see Dr JJ on one of my working day cos my menses came. So Dr JJ see me at Bugis Hospital. I start to improve my body by going jogging. By staying healthy and lose weight. A goal to myself.

I have to admit, being on Clomifene made my menses to slowly regulate. No longer > 50 days. It is at least coming.. Every visit I see Dr JJ, I asked him to check on the clot again and again, umpteenth times. His response to me is, it's no longer there. The relief on my face is clearly there. You know the amount of things you go through and finding out you have something inside, it just breaks you. But I am really thankful that Dr JJ tell me, it's gone. Basically, he made me believe I can have a baby.

I believe somewhere in March, I was referred to Dr Joan Thong. She was a fertility specialist. She took over my case when Dr JJ has to go on hospitalization leave. No idea when he is coming back. So I got to see her.

Experience with Dr Joan Thong for the first time was wow, swift and quick! Her ultrasound was within seconds. She immediately tell me I am PCO. She put me on Revosit, Clomifene. She is a no funny business kind of woman. She told HubbyLove♥ and I on when is the right time and all. Trust me, she really made my menses become more and more regular.

Around April 2019, on the final dosage of Clomifene, our plan was to try and if I am still not pregnant, let's take a break and let nature take its course. So I don't know whether it's planned or not b'coz my HubbyLove♥ had high blood that few days. So yep, though I am ovulating but he just has no feel towards it. We only did it when his blood pressure drop and that's the next day when my ovulation stick tells me it's negative. Disappointed but I tell myself, he is having high blood so let's not take the risk.

My menses are starting to be on track. But as the day approaches nearer to my menses, I just felt like my menses won't be late anymore. I am finally getting better. My body is finally gonna be fixed. So the anxiety feeling was there just that, I just tell myself, let's not think. I also was procrastinating on buying the pregnancy stick. Cos I have spent monies getting back negative. Ya that disappointment sucks. When you see one line appearing, you feel nothing but disappointment. That's why!

2 May 2019 - I took annual leave to take a break from work. Decided to take an additional day off since 1 May 2019 is Labor's Day. So long weekend for me. I am meeting Ashley while she is on maternity. So before I visit her, I had my lunch at Social Square. Just a simple ramen then that's when I decided to buy the CLEARBLUE Stick x2. So I decided to head over to the toilet at Waterway Point and test the stick. Trust me, when I see the result, I was dumbfounded. I tested both the sticks and both came back with two lines. I stare and stare and eventually, I tell myself the stick might be stain with urine. I didn't share with HubbyLove♥ since he was at work. I wanted to tell him face to face. So, I quickly kept the stick and head off to Ashley's house. I still can't believe I see a positive. So, after meeting Ashley, I headed back to #DoubleDTHome. I alighted at went to medical shop nearby and buy another Clearblue Stick x1. Trust me, I can't believe what I am seeing so I buy again. So I've already spend > $30. My goodness!

I went home to test then yep, the result came out as two lines. Then during dinner time, I made 黑木耳, Corn & Onion with Pork Ribs Soup since HubbyLove♥ is heading for his run. I decided to see Calrose Medical to confirm what I am seeing. So I went down and guess what, I couldn't pee. I was stuck in the clinic for so damn long b'coz I just can't seemed to pee. After for don't-know-how-long, I finally pee abit and see the doctor.

So the doctor confirmed it. He say it might be negative as well. Best to go for a blood test the next day but ok, I paid the bill then off I went home to have dinner. I just couldn't believe, this is real. Is a freaking P O S I T I V E !

So I waited for HubbyLove♥ to finally come home. I didn't say anything until after his shower. I swear I am feeling the jittery feeling of how to share with my husband. So eventually, I took out the stick and show him! I kinda explain to him everything. He was in a moment of silence. He was lost, he was like so, let's make an appointment tomorrow morning. Let's contact Raffles and get you an appointment. He immediately call his mother aka my mother in law to ask for advice. I think he was most lost than I am. I couldn't sense his excitement, just awe of emotions.

3 May 2019 - Morning was terrible. HubbyLove♥ woke up early and contact Raffles Woman Centre. There is no appointment available until 2 weeks later. My case was just to confirm pregnancy so not important. So no slot. But so thankful, HubbyLove♥ remembered that Tampines got one. So we went there to see Dr KGW since he's the other alternative and I do not have any other choices. After that, we went for our staycation at Novotel Singapore on Stevens.

Dr KGH confirmed it and we saw a sac. Based on my last menses date, I am currently 5 weeks. Wow. I am REALLY pregnant. S/he has decided to enter into our little life after months of failing + months of trying to fix my menses. HubbyLove♥ was right beside me looking at the sac together. Did a blood test to see my thyroid, ensuring it's normal. High thyroid isn't good.

We actually create a miracle together.
I am pregnant with our first kid, we are expecting. :')

5 May 2019 - The first person I shared this news is my office cleaner, Aunty Yeo. She is like a mother to me. She cut fruits for me, she talked to me, shared her problems with me. She just made me feel warm and fuzzy all the time. So I decided to tell her and the second person is none other than Jolin. Is scary when I said it, but I didn't actually say it but she was aware. Thank you for both of you appearing in my life.  Deeply appreciated.

23 May 2019 -  My second appointment with Dr KGH to hear the heartbeat. That's where I started to name it BabykinsToh. How this name came about. My Barley is BabyPrecious, my Chloe is BabySweetyPie then of course I needed something that start with Baby. So I incorporate Munchkins to Babykins.  In fact, I am still in disbelief I have a baby inside me. I wasn't obvious but my body changes. My estimated delivery date was 3 January 2020.

I stopped Kopi O, crave alot on McDonalds, vomit quite abit during dinner, hated braised related stuff. I don't eat that much anymore. Appetite isn't good but I still try to manage as much as I can. Every single week is a different challenge for me, every week my body undergo changes that I don't understand. But I adapt, I grow and of course, I learn to care more.

12 June - 15 June 2019 - BabykinsToh's first holiday with us to Thailand. (: Gender still unknown, still early in my pregnancy. I didn't go for massage like the rest, I do the best I can. Rest as much as I can, enjoy my entire trip in total despite buying abit of baby clothes only since I'm unsure of the gender.

Appointment with Dr KGH wasn't long b'coz I found out that Dr JJ is coming back. So it's time for decision time. Do I want to stick with Dr KGH or Dr JJ?

6 July 2019 - Dr JJ is back, my first appointment with him after so long. I was so happy to see him, he was so happy to see us. He was basically glow cos he is happy for us. That's what HubbyLove♥ told me. My goodness. I decided and then Dr JJ should be my gynae. He is confident and make us feel at ease for the medicine that I am taking.

Till date, I do not regret my decision for sticking to Dr JJ. I am really hoping he get well soon and be there for me through it all. I made my official announcement on 21 July 2019 - our 2nd Wedding Anniversary as Mr & Mrs Toh. I have yet to announcement the gender. It was confirmed on last visit  on 17 August 2019. I just didn't share.

21 July 2019 - Our 2nd Wedding Anniversary. 
I made my official announcement to my parents, my siblings and anyone who ask. The only social media that knows about it was Instagram & Dayre. At that time, I was 16 weeks already.

I know in the upcoming period, it's gonna be tough period for me but I am gonna be tough bitch to face it all with my BabykinsToh and HubbyLove♥. We will be strong together, the Toh family. Plans are unfolding slowly. At the end of the day, all it matters to me is my BabykinsToh is healthy. My dearest little precious thing.

So much things happened in the whole process but I am glad for the loving hands I have received. The emotions, the support, the 'finally' feeling. When I think about, it's just damn scary on how much both of us went through. Right now, I am already more than halfway through. Looking forward to experiencing more feelings inside my tummy i.e. kicks, jabs, anything. Second trimester has been good to me. Just hoping as it goes, I am feeling better than usual.

Once again, my number 1 dedication will definitely go my BabyDaddy. The one who upgraded from Bby♥ to Fiance to HubbyLove♥ to BabyDaddy♥ now. His visit with me to see Dr TKL, Dr Joan, Dr JJ, Dr KGH. Thank you for being there. No matter how much we can quarrel, I still love you. I love you more every single day and thank you for being there with your unexpected actions. You have just ways to soften your BabyMummy's heart.

So this is my story. The story of how BabykinsToh appeared in our life. (:

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