
Showing posts from September, 2019

#513 ; How we found out about BabykinsToh?

Time to share a story. A story that I've been wanting to share but can't think of which platform to use. But I guess, I will use my first love, Blogger, to share. Before I start my story, let's begin from last year. I do not have regular menses. My menses is very irregular. The first time, it was due to Thyroid being too high but my Thyroid has since been back to normal. I've seen Chinese Doc and then I decided to see TKL @ Thomson. He is my colleague's brother in law. So HubbyLove♥ and I decided to try fixing my menses. We visited him quite abit for the year. I did ultrasounds, no medication. I even did a pelvis ultrasound to find out what's the course. So the doctor ask me to come down for my record review cos they found something. So they suspect it might be due to pregnancy? It might not, no idea. So I took half day off then off I went to the clinic. Pee on a pregnancy kit, negative. So, Dr TKL start telling me that they found a clot/sac, he doesn't...