#499 ; Hello June 2017

Hello humans,

It's June. Yes, half a year is gone and we are on the fifth day of June. Seriously, what's going on?! Why has the day gone by so quickly and amazingly fast?! Yes. I know. I have not updated for a really long time but I am making up lost time. I dayre alot if you notice. Maybe not much. But I still type my feelings out. It always brighten up my day! Been really tired for so many things going on but it's worthwhile, I guess. I have been working and balancing as much as I can. But I am not prepared for July, you know. I guess, slowly you will know why.

Hah. I am becoming a "Mrs" real soon. Maybe less 2 months? I don't know why but I am just being zen. I know it isn't right but I guess cos a lot of things, he has been giving to me. But still, a lot of unhappiness going on too. Been flared yet a lot, but you know. I keep calm and smile. That's my forte. Everyone who knows me, knows how zen I can be. I know a lot of money going to be spent but that's part of it, I guess. I need some money! I realize I have not been saving since I started my Diploma. Right now, what I can do is just force save then. Maybe pumping in $200 each month just to force save. Amazingly, I took out $5000 and transfer to the other bank.

You know, if I don't do that, I won't have money! I will definitely be broke! This year is quite an eyeopening for me. Yes, I am not happy with several people but hey, that doesn't stop me from being stronger. Despite some people are just damn !#!$%#^$#&. I am just glad I have Bboy♥. If not for him, you see me. Die so much times already!

Bboy♥ and Barley are all that matters to me most. Why I say that? It's b'coz both Toh Family and Teo Family are equally complicated. Seriously, too much problems. But I am trying to love my in-laws k! I am trying. My soon-to-be in laws. I am going to be with them for almost the rest of my lives unless something change. But yea, now is just this is the way it is going to work.

Well, so true eh.. I realize I have not been enjoying myself lately. But well, I guess I just think too much. Some people are just that way. Like what Aunty Yeo say, work and go home. Your life doesn't revolve with those shit people. Glad to for some people, really glad for that. I don't know if they are real or not, but I am glad for them.. I seriously have this 'FEEL' to buy a nice laptop for the man. <3 He's been so tired, but well I want him to be happy.

Oh wells!
I will be back to blog again. (:

Love you, all my lovely readers.

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