#499 ; Hello June 2017

Hello humans, It's June. Yes, half a year is gone and we are on the fifth day of June. Seriously, what's going on?! Why has the day gone by so quickly and amazingly fast?! Yes. I know. I have not updated for a really long time but I am making up lost time. I dayre alot if you notice. Maybe not much. But I still type my feelings out. It always brighten up my day! Been really tired for so many things going on but it's worthwhile, I guess. I have been working and balancing as much as I can. But I am not prepared for July, you know. I guess, slowly you will know why. Hah. I am becoming a "Mrs" real soon. Maybe less 2 months? I don't know why but I am just being zen. I know it isn't right but I guess cos a lot of things, he has been giving to me. But still, a lot of unhappiness going on too. Been flared yet a lot, but you know. I keep calm and smile. That's my forte. Everyone who knows me, knows how zen I can be. I know a lot of money going to be sp...