#491 ; Sad

Today is the last working day of 2016. What a turn of event. I was always complaining saying Kelly this, Kelly that. But I never expected one day without her. Yeah, my office decided to end her contract and today was her last day with us. I am sad. Honestly speaking, I am feeling sad. I want to cry but the purpose of crying doesn't make any sense to me at all. I swear when it comes to goodbye, I suck at it so much. But you know sometimes seeing pictures of memories always melt your heart and you can't help it but shed some tears for it. Oh damn. I am crying for someone who ain't particularly my favorite. Yes. The first time I see her, I gave her a hug. I seriously gave her a hug after Joanne left. Yeah, that support came. We didn't start off with good grounds and all but relationship was built, I admit. Unknowingly, I am just sad she was chosen to leave. I wanted all of us to be together, work together. It makes me happy. But like what he always say, she's ain't your real life sister, don't push emotions to work. You go nowhere. So basically I guess it's always the memories that make me sad. I can't believe the day they tell me, the don't want to continue her contract. But I swear the impact didn't come until now. It came in strong like the huge gust of wind. The handover we had, the meals we had together, the gossips we shared, the memories we held together, they all just made me feels so fuzzy and warm. But I can't believe I am crying now for someone I used to dislike and grow to like. The impact is strong now, I can sense it. I can feel that I like this girl, her work style, her tiger like temper, her loudness. All of a sudden, everything is gone. So she's now become a friend / ex colleague instead of a colleague / friend. Yeah I am putting alot of emotional right now into this post. But I am glad it's out now. It just have to be out. Or else, I won't feel good at all. I guess sometimes this is how strange the world works. You just have to be prepared for whatever it is coming.

Thank you Kelly for hearing all the shits when I am upset about DD3.
Thank you Kelly for understanding the situation with S and me.
Thank you Kelly for assisting so much in the travel portion for 1.5 years.
Thank you Kelly for showing me that you can be very aunty.
Thank you Kelly for the Korea BBQ together, twice.
Thank you Kelly for the amount of help you given throughout.
Thank you Kelly for all the times we shared together, I know we will meet again.
I am sorry I couldn't help much despite trying.

So much words left unsaid, but I know the memories will be held dearly in my heart. Thank you for being my friend too...

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