#491 ; Sad

Today is the last working day of 2016. What a turn of event. I was always complaining saying Kelly this, Kelly that. But I never expected one day without her. Yeah, my office decided to end her contract and today was her last day with us. I am sad. Honestly speaking, I am feeling sad. I want to cry but the purpose of crying doesn't make any sense to me at all. I swear when it comes to goodbye, I suck at it so much. But you know sometimes seeing pictures of memories always melt your heart and you can't help it but shed some tears for it. Oh damn. I am crying for someone who ain't particularly my favorite. Yes. The first time I see her, I gave her a hug. I seriously gave her a hug after Joanne left. Yeah, that support came. We didn't start off with good grounds and all but relationship was built, I admit. Unknowingly, I am just sad she was chosen to leave. I wanted all of us to be together, work together. It makes me happy. But like what he always say, she's ain...