#481 ; Barley
It's been such a long time since I made time to give an actual proper post. Jan and Feb have all gone by and we are already in Mar.
I know right. Every single day, time sure is flying so quickly. Thank you for whoever are still visiting to my dead blog.
Appreciate all that has been here and never given on l0ckedmem0ries. Ok. So today, I want to take the chance to blog about someone special, Barley. Well, he's my second love of my life. Or maybe one that caught my eye so much that I am still loving him so much. Yes, I contributed $2500.
But well, it's worth it and I have never stopped loving him since then. Well, it's a bold move made by Bboy♥. Seriously, I felt myself loving him so much more than ever.
Those who has seen my facebook or even my instagram will know about it. Well, it ain't a big secret.
It's just something I feel like it's a shock to me still. Before I even got Barley, my mind is still surprised, still in awe, still in wow that I got him.
Silly as it seemed but it's really worth, I guess. Barley has changed our lives in so many ways.
He made us put down our electronics, and just spend our time with him. Loving him has been gift given by God, I feel. No idea how it come to be, but I am appreciative for everything that has happened since 24 Feb 2016. Well, let me reveal who's Barley.
This is us, meeting a cute Corgi. We went to William Goh Pet Farm introduced by Joie. She was selling Corgis for Mr Goh so Bboy♥ met her up and we met up with her. She's a really nice lady. So she introduced to us Mr Goh and his litter of Corgi puppies. I don't know what happen to Bboy♥ but he was talking about having a Corgi.
So we went to the place and we get to touch real Corgi, feel what it is like. Oh my goodness!!!!
It sure is a super omg experience for me!
I am super terrible in coping myself, what's more can I cope a puppy!!!
So, yup! Stayed with Bboy♥ at the farm until 11plus. We are sooo in love with Corgis.
He was love at first sight. I swear I love him so much! Trust me, I know I can't bear to leave him at all.
He was simply too cute to say goodbye. I love him! Well, initially I named him BoBo but...., ok nvm!
That's a video of the cute cute Barley that Bboy♥ took. MYMY! He's soooo cute!!!!
Loving a dog can be so heartwarming. Been such a long time since I fell in love again.
So on 24 Feb, we made the huge move withBboy♥ and his family. We bought Barley. Bboy♥ didn't quite like him until I-don't-know-what-hit-into-him.
We officially had this cute Barley on 24 Feb 2016. Big move, I know but he made our lives so different ! Sooo many things was given by Mr Goh!
Thank you for everything!
The name was almost BoBo or even Lucky but thankfully it eventually became Barley. So yep, the picture is taken out by the worker, getting ready to let him have his run. The day we got him. Back when he was such a cute and small puppy. I am so glad he is being a big and healthy pup now.
So glad he is in good hands when I am not at Bboy♥'s house. Spending time with him feels like a gift from God. I don't know but I feel so thankful.
Tho he bites but still, he's a really good boy at times. Never have I expected myself to have a child, nuturing him, feeding him, loving him so much! That baby vanilla smell that I am so in love with. ♥♥
Buying Barley has opened so many ways in lives that we do not know. He's only 3 months 13 days when we had him. We promise to love you, always.
Was taken just a few days ago while he's in his cage. Big ears, cute face!
Still so in love with this BabyPrecious. May he always be a good boy! Well, I am just so thankful that he made our lives so different now! Let me post one last photo that I was to share! It's my personal favorite. ;)
This is us, meeting a cute Corgi. We went to William Goh Pet Farm introduced by Joie. She was selling Corgis for Mr Goh so Bboy♥ met her up and we met up with her. She's a really nice lady. So she introduced to us Mr Goh and his litter of Corgi puppies. I don't know what happen to Bboy♥ but he was talking about having a Corgi.
So on 24 Feb, we made the huge move withBboy♥ and his family. We bought Barley. Bboy♥ didn't quite like him until I-don't-know-what-hit-into-him.
The name was almost BoBo or even Lucky but thankfully it eventually became Barley. So yep, the picture is taken out by the worker, getting ready to let him have his run. The day we got him. Back when he was such a cute and small puppy. I am so glad he is being a big and healthy pup now.
Buying Barley has opened so many ways in lives that we do not know. He's only 3 months 13 days when we had him. We promise to love you, always.
Was taken just a few days ago while he's in his cage. Big ears, cute face!
The two loves of my life. ♥