#443 ; 初二 2015

Chinese New Year, (初二)

Ah Boys to Men ; Frogmen

Movie date with Bboy♥ and Daniel. This is the first time we watched a movie during a festive season. Woohoo. Yay manzxc! Bboy♥ bought us wanton noodles + movie tix. Movie start at 1040am. So we hurriedly eat and get out of the house. Bought popcorn + drink, off we go! & it's movie time. The movie is good! Hooyah! LOL. Well, it's definitely well spent!

Movie ended about 12plus. We headed off to Bboy♥'s grandparents (His mom)'s side after buying KFC. We bought the set meal. LOL they forgot my shroom burger! So whatever, eat whatever I can. Watched TV for awhile before heading off his Aunty's house. She can't celebrate Lunar New Year due to xx reason. So we went over for dinner. I think I spent most of my time watching my shows whereas the rest gamble. Was quite eventful although it can get super duper boring.

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