#437 ; Like a boss

Like a boss now.

That's me doing that now but Stitch is being my replacement. Hahz. Realized I have not blogged for awhile. Been tied up with work so here I'm still alive. (:

Woah. I am already reaching to my next age in like less than a month. Not excited. My life has been revolving alot. Cos I realized apparently I got a house and I have to get married. So technically I'm gonna get married. Woah. Super alot of things.

Didn't quite bother to think much lately cos I don't see a point. I think I will only bother what matters ahead. Meaning like today tomorrow? Oh yes, I started jogging. Ridiculous or shocked? Well I am aiming to do that more! I need to go home early! Cos I don't like to jog when the skies are dark. It's scary.

Yea. Did some changes to my life and I wanna continue to make it better. (: I guess at this moment is to make my body strong. Hahz. Falling sick piss me off! Ok. I am off to anime / drama.

However I am still in dayre updating. You can catch my updates there. <3

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