Face the battle, Keep fighting and never give up. There's always some thing to trigger your spot. Maybe that's what people call it as " we cared, that's why we listen. ". But we, humans, tends to listen more than doing. We listen and get all wounded. Seriously, the world is weird. We can say how much we don't care but in reality, we care so much till we are bleeding each single day. I always thought I can don't care about the shit that happens but sadly, I am just like typical people getting all wound up so easily by people. Well, the moment you let words hit you, you have already stumbled into the hole that say, you're meant to fall and grow from it. Certain people stumbled to depression, being all emo, sad, and every single negative emotions. I have friends who made their life like shit when things can be better. Well, I stopped believing h/she will change anymore b'coz I no longer contact him / her. Wouldn't wanna state names but we ...