#409 ; Redmi Note 4G

I love you.
My theme for my new phone! Bboy♥ and I have one each. It's our couple phone bought for our sixth yearsary together. I haven't officially start using the phone but I love this pretty phone. I can customize all I want with new ringtone and even fonts. I just need them to fix Instagram then I will use. Loving the pretty phone so much. Hees. Bboy♥ already start using except me. Well he's gonna nag again but nah, I am not using till Instagram is fixed.

But still, thank you Bboy♥ on this phone. Redmi is definitely way better than my expectation. Hee. I finally got photos too! I am gonna upload them and update for my Hong Kong Trip. Yay yay!

Lastly, Happy Deepavali everyone. :D

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