#407 ; First Day in Hong Kong (071014)

7 October 2014, first day in Hong Kong. (:

Up above the sky, where there's only your love and you.
Oh boy, I am being sooo cheesy! Well, I think this post is one week late so I am gonna blog today! Maybe a long one, maybe a short one. No idea. My trip to Hong Kong is over ): I am missing Disneyland, missing the shopping, missing the weather !! Gosh, time has flown by us so quickly. 7 days have passed by just like that. Amazingly, it was just last week that I was in Hong Kong doing shopping, walking, massaging ~ How time has flown by us...

Ready to board my plane and off to Hong Kong. Planned this trip since June. Waited damn effing long. Everyone is flying except me. So at last, my turn has arrived after waiting for three months, the feeling is totally awesome. The idea of flying, going to another country, is definitely a new experience. It's my first time to Hong Kong. Ticket was $298 for a person so Bboy♥ decided we should go. A getaway for us , but his parents also wanna go so we got no choice. So the four of us flew off to Hong Kong on 7 October on our second trip together. The first time I travelled with them was Bangkok Trip which was about 2 - 3 years ago! Damn effing long since I flew to another country. I go Malaysia also all via a car. So that doesn't count !! Yay yay! :D You can guest how happy I am!!!! First time on A 380 as well !

L: Mine! R: Bboy♥.
Both of us mad love airplane food cos we don't always fly!
I love the hashbrown on my meal. Damn good. I tried bitter lemon too.

Us in the plane. Camwhor-ed a lot. (: Two happy person supa excited over the plane so we kinda took a lot of pictures. Hahaha , when it flew off , of course my Bboy♥ was all excited and ready ! I was so excited to watch Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. They provided that ! Gosh, I love Caesar so much with his son, Blue Eyes. What an awesome movie. Watch for 2hrs + while enjoying my meal as well ~ Damn good. :D Bboy♥ gave up on his show. Damn lame, ikr! Damn shiooook to be able to sit on such a luxury plane ~

We are in the airport express to Kowloon Station to head off our airport at Mongkok East. Wooohoo ! :D The airport express is damn luxurious. The seat are so comfy too , we even have places for our luggage! Wahaha, the journey there is pretty fast, no joke! :P I like their MTR compared to us!

Each of us bought along a luggage weighing about 3kg. That's the amount when we check in in Changi Airport. Slowly imagine how much we came back with :P got no picture but woah, we sure shop till we drop alot over our trip at Hong Kong. But Bboy♥'s mom did way more shopping than I so I am still maintaining , ok! :D I am being thickfaced !!

Had this when we reached our hotel. We were all feeling damn hungry. So for Bboy♥ and I, we bought some things to eat. The steamed cake is good. The food there makes me drool tho it's only a food court. LOL. I swear Hong Kong's food are damn delicious! But eating too much will make you sick. Maybe cos it's my virgin experience to Hong Kong. Missing the food there already!!!

Dinner at Jasmine Place 怡翠軒 with Dr Matthew and Bboy♥'s family. (:
Woah, the place was really fanciful. We went over to Kowloon Tong (九龍塘) quite early then I did my first buy! If I am not wrong, it's My Beauty Diary; Aloe Vera Mask from Manning at HKD60! Wahaha. So we kinda walk similarly but I managed to buy when I saw! Kya, was way cheaper than Singapore. Singapore sells $14.50 while HK sell $9.80! Huge difference. So I bought it ! That's my first buy if I am not wrong. Had dinner with Dr Matthew, talked a lot. Bought some bah kwa for him ~ (: Thank you Dr Matthew for the dinner treat. Head off about 8plus then we all went back to the hotel to shower.

My very first bowl of dessert in Hong Kong. I had black sesame with beancurd for dessert. It's supa delicious. :D Sometime different, I guess. I am always loving to explore food, to be frank.

Wahaha. My loots for the first day! Well, I only remember paying for the mask. But still, these are all my hauls for a day. Hehehe. The meds are for Bboy♥. His gastric wasn't feeling 100% so we gotta buy that for him. The rest? It's cos Bboy♥'s mom wanna buy some groceries or whatever then I added on my items. Yet to eat my Hello Kitty Yan Yan, it's so pretty and I can't bring myself to eat it !! How?!?!?! Well , food like this are simply too pretty to eat. :x Hmm, I think I take  alot of pictures on the first day. It's really fun. So many things to see, so many things to take. I think Bboy♥ will kill me. Cos I took a lot of miscellaneous pictures and it's all in the camera :P

Until next time, I will blog for my second day in Hong Kong. This shall be the first day of my post ! :P Interestingly, I have already written an essay. Let me get a thumbdrive to continue updating. Or else it will be delayed like days? Or even once a week.

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