#381 ; I have to be positive

Another ranting post again. I know I shouldn't be ranting over all sorts of shit in the world, but I can't help myself. I guess, that's born in me. I have been in Dayre a lot, speaking about my little daily life but not once, I spoken any other thing. 8 more days to Winnie's birthday. Oh my! That's not what I want to rant about. I want to rant about being so stingy like crazy yet the urge to spend so badly! I don't know why but I have been spending a lot on skincare especially things on my face. No idea when the obsession starts but it begun. I am learning to cherish my skin more than I expect myself to. In fact, I want to be pretty. I guess, I hate being old. Old in sense of having wrinkles and every other thing. I doubt I am being influenced. Just having the feeling, I am undergoing alot of changes and I am not happy with it. I am 22 years old and I want to stay forever young but time stops no man, uh.

Seriously, maybe I am thinking too much but I just needed something to hear me whine, hear me yell like crazy. Well, work has been as usual. Is just I don't understand how can people whine when other work load is way more than you. Ya, maybe I got no rights to comment. But I can't help it but wonder. What I am doing is compared nothing to yours cos I handle ALMOST everything you supposed to handled but I am fine with it. I learnt from ALL the things left behind and that makes me having more experienced in certain area. Yeah, I know right. I am heading off to read #IfForeverComes. I really hope all things work out for Christian and Elizabeth. Shall not whine much otherwise I become old lady!

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