#377 ; Good Friday

 Happy Good Friday! ♥
Today is the day where Jesus was hanged on the cross. No idea why its a celebration when it's more of a sad day. But still, got a day of off day. Good enough. Been working hard enough so taking a break is good. Look forward to another 2 weeks for Labor Day. Yay! Hahaha. Good to have a short break.

Been thinking alot lately over my life. Well it has its up and down. But still, everyday its stilm going on. Work can be total awesome, can be total shitty as well. But what make it all worthwhile is at least I learn something out of it. Topsy turvy life I have.

Love life is OK. Because I love my boy and I know my boy loves me despite the shit we have sometimes. This is life. #Suckitup we have to quarrel we have to make out we have to love. That's how it is.
Me? How am I? I am having bad skin. The urge to NOT scratch is uber hard. I don't know why. I am also trying to lose weight. Well, not easy but I can do this!! I am also catching up all my shows. Hahaha. But reading more of my ebooks. I finished alot. 

Hahaz that's all. Now going to just watch news.

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