#374 ; Sick old lady

This will do good for me right now.
Haven't been having good sleep lately due to the disrupting throat. I was complaining to my Bboy♥ how blue-ish I have been feeling. Blocked nose, blocked ear, hairy throat, blood in my throat and nose, appetite so small, seriously does all have to come?! Oh well, ain't I supposed to NOT complain? Yea, my Bboy♥ is also sick so we are two sick birds now. Too much of being sick makes me all emo-ish, blue-ish and sick-ish. Especially when your appetite is also fuck small suddenly. Oh my, one after another. It just makes me go all bonkers like I mentioned yesterday. I was bracing myself up, trying to be as comfortable as I can. But it's kinda impossible. B'coz you are sick. Totally have to classify myself as sick. Thank goodness for water. I have been blasting cups and cups of water till I know hot water is the best damn thing that works on me right now. Yeah, I know. Silly peanuts! Oh well. That's the best that is happening to me right now. Hahaha. Thank goodness for all the good things in life, must say that. I am off to do my work and not whine so much anymore. LOLOLOL.

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