#380 ; 53 Questions

1. What was your first impression about your partner?
Tall. Why this guy's chest so in front one?
2. What did you like or love about your partner?
The way he will randomly give me a kiss, when he pout, when he uses his adorable voice, when he randomly buy a gift for me and many more...
3. How did the relationship start?
I never thought I will fall in love with him and what's more, we are together for almost 6 years. In fact, it's all about giving myself faith to try falling in love with someone wholeheartedly despite a bad heartbreak previously. Well, by giving myself a chance in love makes me love this man more than anything else. ♥
4. Do you still like what you loved about your partner and why?
Yes, always have been. No matter how much we fight, how much argue, I still try my best to always see the good in him and love him for who he is.
5. Are you happy with the intimacy you share?
Yes and No. Cos there is a certain of things that I don't share with him and till today, I still don't.
6. Do you feel the same the way you felt for your partner at the beginning of the relationship?
No. We have changed a lot. 
7. Are you positively affecting each other’s life?
Yuppie, definitely. I became a better person although I also have my flaws.
8. Have you started to do something because of each other’s influence?
Yes, I have changed. What I used to be is no longer who I am today. I am a better person. :)
9. How often do you laugh together?
All the time, when we talked over silly what's not.
10. When was the last time you dreamt about your partner?
None? I am not a person who dream a lot. & If I dream, it's always nightmare. Sucks to be me.
11. Do you like spending time with your partner’s friends and family?
Sometimes. Because his friends are a few. His family are ALWAYS going to the same type of places and I probably can name them all as long as you name a location. 
12. How often do you talk on the phone with your partner?
Every single day unless he or I are sick.
13. How often do you think of your partner?
Everyday. I think of all sorts of weird-ness about him :x
14. Do you smile when you relate something from your daily life with your partner?
Yea, I can actually know what he will say next and I will laugh my arse out. 
15. Can you recall the most romantic moment with this partner?
Yuppie, we went Hard Rock Cafe for Valentine's Day and he bought me roses when he say he didn't! 
16. Do you get each other’s feeling without the need to say anything?
Yuppie. We are not the kind of PDA couples or the kind that have to always say sweet words to each other. We just know we love each other and that's all it matters. 
17. What was the best moment in your relationship so far? (Are you smiling while recalling that moment?)
A recent one was when we were thinking of names for our future child. LOL. Yea, I am smiling right now. HAHAHA.
18. How do you show your love for each other?
I like treating him to eat whenever he work very hard or maybe buy a random gift but that's not always cos he's very particular. 
19. When was the last time you said “I love you” to your partner?
Few days ago.
20. Have you ever changed anything for your partner?
Yes, my character, personality.
21. How much do you think you understand your partner?
Not as much as his parents but just as much as I know he won't lie to me.
22. Do you trust each other?
Yes. But he doesn't. ):
23. Have you not let your partner do something just because you feel jealous or angry?
Nope, I just suck it up.
24. How do you feel when others find your partner attractive?
Proud of it. Because he's being praised! 
25. Do you feel jealous if your partner hang out with a friend of the opposite sex?
DUH. But well, he tells me and I am fine with it. 
26. How serious are you both taking this relationship?
We applied HDB. Does it consider as very serious?! 
27. Do you bring up arguments very often and why?
Yes, I have the habit and I tends to bear grudges. Hate myself for that. 
28. Do you make sacrifices for your relationship?
Who doesn't?
29. Have you ever apologized for what you’ve done wrong to your partner?
Yes and No. When I am on 'stubborn' mode, I won't give a shit. 
30. Do you forgive your partner’s mistakes easily?
Depend on how severe the mistake is.
31. Do you throw temper easily for small mistakes of your partners?
Maybe. LOL.
32. Do you respect each other’s beliefs?
Depends. Eg: I am a Catholic, he's a Buddhist. Dislike when he say something bad about my religion although I don't attend church anymore. I just don't like. Other than that, I am willing to compromise.
33. Is it really necessary to know everything from your partner’s previous relationships?
No. Cos the more I know, the more painful it is. So don't know better.
34. Do you believe in staying with this partner for a very long time or even forever?
Forever leads to death. So I simply just cherish each single moment with him.
35. How do you feel when your partner has to leave you for some time because of work or studying?
Sad. But I am fine. I can withstand even if it's hard.
36. Will you say sorry to your partner even though it’s not your fault?
37. When was the last time you had an in-depth conversation with your partner?
Don't want to mention or think about it.
38. Are you keeping any secrets that you’re afraid of letting your partner know?
39. Do you think your partner’s friends and family like you?
Who knows?
40. Do you feel that your partner accepts the way you are?
Yeah. I believe so.
41. Have you seen each other at your best and worst?
Yes. Definitely.
42. Have you ever thought about cheating on your partner? Why?
No. When I love, I am willing to give all out to loving him.
43. Have you ever thought about breaking up with your partner and why?
Once or twice. Because he can be a fucker dickhead when he wants to.
44. Will you lie for the sake of your partner’s happiness and how do you define the line?
Yes, because he meant the world to me even if it's hard.
45. Are you in a relationship only because you enjoy the excitement or the feeling to be loved and cared about?
Nope. I am not such a person.
46. Does this partner make you forget the painful feeling of your previous relationships?
Yes, he changed me in ways I never know I will recover.
47. Do you look forward to your future with your partner?
48. Have you thought about marrying your partner? (If you two have already married, do you remember why you had that thought of marrying your partner?)
Yes. Walking the aisle with someone you spend almost all your life with is the best damn feeling ever.
49. Are you willing to compromise your happiness for a successful relationship?
50. When it comes to future, do you and your partner have the same relationship goal?
Usually, I am a sheep, he is an eagle. I follow him whenever he goes.
51. Are there more joyful moments than sad ones being together?
Of course.
52. What makes you happier in a relationship, sharing or sacrificing?
None. Happiness. ☻
53. If you could choose your partner again, would you choose the same person?
Yes. But I want to rewind certain things.

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