#366 ; Suki-Ya Date

Suki-Ya with Bboy♥on 1st March 2014.  photo tumblr_inline_n0eid4RKWz1qid2nw_zps21e48472.gif
It has been awhile since Bboy♥and I had a date together.  photo tumblr_inline_n0eid5aWg71qid2nw_zps2c9fda0d.gif So we decided to head out together after such a long time. He had this craving for Shabu Shabu after we finished going to PC Show.  photo tumblr_inline_n0eid7o2Pf1qid2nw_zps9f997d6c.gif So both of us cracked our brain to think of where to go.  photo tumblr_inline_n0eid9lAt41qid2nw_zps4f6b8f86.gif After much thinking, we decided to go Marina Square to try our luck. All bus go to Pan Pacific Hotel  photo tumblr_inline_n0eicvtgJ61qid2nw_zps6eca66e6.gif My Bboy♥doesn't want to go elsewhere too.  photo tumblr_inline_n0eicwlsTe1qid2nw_zpsb3233418.gif So we decided to go Marina Square. My my, been awhile since we go on date.  photo tumblr_inline_n0eid8F1uT1qid2nw_zps7a7b9737.gif So I managed to camwhore with Bboy♥  photo tumblr_inline_n0eid3SkU21qid2nw_zpse3699514.gif He was on the phone with his friend so I take the chance.  photo tumblr_inline_n0eid6N3DC1qid2nw_zpsc3049ebb.gif Well, we managed to find one store that has Shabu Shabu. We headed to Suki-Ya to have our ultra late lunch.  photo tumblr_inline_n0eicuTc0D1qid2nw_zpsa010d424.gif Lookin good  photo tumblr_inline_n0eid3SkU21qid2nw_zpse3699514.gif It's also quite a reasonable price. We also hardly spend money, so why not?  photo tumblr_inline_n0eid6N3DC1qid2nw_zpsc3049ebb.gif We ate a lot of chicken and pork. But I love the cheese tofu the most.  photo tumblr_inline_n0eid4RKWz1qid2nw_zps21e48472.gif You know how much I love cheese tofu. It's also very rare.  photo tumblr_inline_n0eid7o2Pf1qid2nw_zps9f997d6c.gif So we ate and talk and ate and talk. We are so incredibly full ~  photo tumblr_inline_n0eid4RKWz1qid2nw_zps21e48472.gif Eat until super ultra full  photo tumblr_inline_n0eicvtgJ61qid2nw_zps6eca66e6.gif But it's definitely so worth it. Once in awhile with Bboy♥ like that, it's really nice.  photo tumblr_inline_n0eicy5WBM1qid2nw_zps585a0555.gif We are so full till we can skip our dinner. I swear we are two full people.  photo tumblr_inline_n0eid9lAt41qid2nw_zps4f6b8f86.gif Do visit Suki-Ya if you have the chance.

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