#365 ; Average Little Girl

I am just an ordinary woman.
#ThrowbackValentineDay2014. That's me smiling so happily with my pretty pink flowers.  photo tumblr_mc46mw6lAD1qdlkyg_zps3d876e59.gif Hoho, I know I have not been catching up. Much lack of sleep  photo tumblr_mc46mjaZJT1qdlkyg_zps9b85398e.gif B'coz I have just started on a brand new show.  photo tumblr_mc46moj7lU1qdlkyg_zpse870db97.gif It's awesome, of course. I think pretty much everyone have heard about it. Yes, it's one of the top CW's show. It's none other than #Arrow  photo tumblr_mc46n265XX1qdlkyg_zps31d70518.gif. Started Season 1 like last well, oh my! I am all in love with Stephen Amell  photo tumblr_mc46mw6lAD1qdlkyg_zps3d876e59.gif His accent is one of the best, I have heard.  photo tumblr_mc46nfIQjK1qdlkyg_zps37ce1ef1.gif Oh my!! HAHAHA. Ya, I know you must be asking by am I not blogging for after sooo long. Well, I've been busy with L I F E.  photo tumblr_mc46n5ZIfn1qdlkyg_zps78184897.gif Got so many things to do.

I officially hit the 22 now.  photo tumblr_mc46mew5Ag1qdlkyg_zpsdb02d33d.gif Totally sadded over it.  photo tumblr_mc46maZ8Am1qdlkyg_zpsc04df686.gif I want to stay young forever. Ok, I am going off topic.  photo tumblr_mc46ncH4Ud1qdlkyg_zpsacb7a258.gif Too sidetrack for me. Ok let me see!! I have celebrated Lunar New Year, my 22nd Birthday, my Sixth Valentine's Day with Bboy♥, every other events which I kinda can't remember.  photo tumblr_mc46n265XX1qdlkyg_zps31d70518.gif Oh well !! I guess I have been back track-ed quite alot.  photo tumblr_mc46nn4tLy1qdlkyg_zps639c477b.gif I know, right! I have to keep getting on track. Ok. So now, everything is different. I also been busy shopping quite a bit lately. SOOO UNHEALTHY.  photo tumblr_mc46lzdyN21qdlkyg_zps3b6c2543.gif Ok, I am lying. I like the part I shop. & I got  photo tumblr_mc46msWbID1qdlkyg_zpsb7316a30.gif b'coz I got quite a lot of cheap prices for the things I buy! Wahahaha.  photo tumblr_mc46lzdyN21qdlkyg_zps3b6c2543.gif I know I sound super duper incredible lame  photo tumblr_mc46maZ8Am1qdlkyg_zpsc04df686.gif But whatever I buy, I debate alot before making the attempt.  photo tumblr_mc46moj7lU1qdlkyg_zpse870db97.gif That's a very well known truth about me.  photo tumblr_mc46nrIb6c1qdlkyg_zpsbc5c54ec.gif Ok. Soooo, I have been DAILY on dayre. But still no followers.  photo tumblr_mc46mew5Ag1qdlkyg_zpsdb02d33d.gif  photo tumblr_mc46mew5Ag1qdlkyg_zpsdb02d33d.gif No one likes me. Let's hope I get  photo tumblr_mc46msWbID1qdlkyg_zpsb7316a30.gif to have a reader. Maybe my life is too boring, that's why!! Haha. No worries, I am fine too with it.  photo tumblr_mc46moj7lU1qdlkyg_zpse870db97.gif Time will eventually come. Right now, I am just thinking when should I really do something. Well, I want to bake. But I am so lazyyy.  photo tumblr_mc46nfIQjK1qdlkyg_zps37ce1ef1.gif ikr. You don't get things done if you are lazy!  photo tumblr_mc46ncH4Ud1qdlkyg_zpsacb7a258.gif So therefore, I will be positive and start cracking! Don't say I didn't blog. I did and this post is from me to all. Ending the post with two cute GIF.  photo tumblr_mc46nv9bih1qdlkyg_zps19a7f358.gif  photo tumblr_mc46n5ZIfn1qdlkyg_zps78184897.gif

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