#324 ; Samsung Galaxy S4 Arctic Blue

The beauty of the world.

BOO!  photo tumblr_inline_mgd306Al8W1qid2nw_zps73717abd.gif
I am here to update my blog! Hahaha. My post are all probably quickie for the past few days.  photo tumblr_inline_mgd3ce6nlf1qid2nw_zpsc382ac8c.gif Been really busy clearing my on hand things.  photo tumblr_inline_mgd3coZc7A1qid2nw_zpsd388448f.gif I think there are all settled. The end of year is coming.  photo tumblr_inline_mgd3bwM2ul1qid2nw_zps0283a65c.gif Well, I always loved December cos it's like saying a brand new year is approaching. A mixture of  photo tumblr_inline_mgd3e7bD3f1qid2nw_zpsfe0e7660.gif and  photo tumblr_inline_mgd306Al8W1qid2nw_zps73717abd.gif feeling. Well, I can say I want to be happy and look forward  photo tumblr_inline_mgd3faU5Gh1qid2nw_zps272d09b7.gif. I got myself a new baby Kira on 23 November 2013.  photo tumblr_inline_mgd3c5JaTv1qid2nw_zps4f455c1f.gif It's in Arctic Blue , and it's the beautiful Samsung Galaxy S4. Thank you Samsung Galaxy Note for serving me well since 20 October 2012.  photo tumblr_inline_mgd3faU5Gh1qid2nw_zps272d09b7.gif You've served me well for the past year!  photo tumblr_inline_mgd3358ejN1qid2nw_zpsa9b232b2.gif Pretty satisfied with the baby I am having now. HAHAHA. Guess what?  photo tumblr_inline_mgd3bwM2ul1qid2nw_zps0283a65c.gif Winnie was the first to sms me and whatsapp my new Baby Kira!  photo tumblr_inline_mgd3c5JaTv1qid2nw_zps4f455c1f.gif

Ultra satisfying. Especially when she is the first.  photo tumblr_inline_mgd3ce6nlf1qid2nw_zpsc382ac8c.gif Well, I am glad. I do hope this baby phone won't disappoint me at all.  photo tumblr_inline_mgd3er6grz1qid2nw_zpsde82ff69.gif Considering to buy a battery and earpiece just as a spare. I know you will want to call me kiasu.  photo tumblr_inline_mgd3coZc7A1qid2nw_zpsd388448f.gif H3h3h3z. So therefore, let's hope for the best.  photo tumblr_inline_mgd32w1u881qid2nw_zps915304a4.gif I do not want my baby Kira to just die so quickly. I am surprised that I took Samsung Galaxy S4 in the end. Wasn't the phone I thought of having.  photo tumblr_inline_mgd3f1Jcda1qid2nw_zps5db82115.gif Remember the other time I update about ALL the stories I read and saying about wanting to do a review or whatever.  photo tumblr_inline_mgd3d3TgKM1qid2nw_zps1cf9637b.gif I create a Blogger account for that! I only posted one post so I guess I will start posting soon. Been reading a lot, so just decided to create and do my review.  photo tumblr_inline_mgd3ehkZwQ1qid2nw_zps7be758df.gif Well, just click here and you will be directed.  photo tumblr_inline_mgd306Al8W1qid2nw_zps73717abd.gif HAHAHA. I think I am going mad over books.  photo tumblr_inline_mgd3d3TgKM1qid2nw_zps1cf9637b.gif I am a 100% bookworm , I totally feel that way manzxc. Well, I am here for just this quick post and of course, I will be back. Off to finish my leftover work again ~ !

Hugs & Kisses. ;D

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