#318 ; You suck

I hide too well which results in multiple explosion.B
B'coz you misundersood my english,
B'coz you fucking hell flare at me,
B'coz your english sucks to the fucking core,
B'coz your day was fucktard,
B'coz I finally release my inner emotions,
B'coz I thought you should learn,
B'coz you misunderstand and not be clear,
B'coz I accepted all shits from everywhere,
B'coz I thought you understand us,

I guess we are just meant to be colleagues and nothing else, I was told my english sucks and I understand. I accept me and you jolly judged and ruined whatever colleague-ship/friend-ship between us. I don't know if we will be saved but I am going to fuck care. Probably since I know you, you are just someone that I shouldn't give a damn. Three fucking times, I cried. All b'coz of my silliness and all things not worth mentioning.

I know my english sucks,
I know my attitude might be bad,
I know I might not love you but I try,
I know how you are. But I didn't not help.

也许你认为我说的有错,我不想管因为我心里有数。我心里知道谁是我能依靠的人。幸福有那些该有的人。哭够了也明白,我不是为了你哭而为了我心里所有的不快乐都通通地哭。不管是你或工作,我已经看开了。Back to colleagues, of course? Back to usuals, your choice. People like you, a nice experience. Uh.

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