#314 ; Read the Ache away

1) Hopeless, Sky/Hope & Holder #1
2) Losing Hope, Sky/Hope & Holder #2

Hello! It's another post of what have I been reading. Already heading to Losing Hope. That's the point of view from Dean Holder. Well, ain't going to share any spoilers but you may head down to www.goodreads.com if you feel like you die die also want to know what it is about. This two books are different from what I read previously but it's definitely heart breaking mixed with a lot of different emotions. It's a good read and I don't regret picking it up. Although I was ALMOST lost for at least a few chapters but I believe when you start, you can't stop reading. I have been such a bookworm lately. So proud to say I am thankful Blackie is power enough to let me be entertained by each and every book I have been reading. Loves my Dearest Blackie a lot! ♥♥ Well, go read! & I bet you can't stop! Enjoy!

Quotes that are dope!
Hopeless, Book #1
“Fuck all the firsts, Sky. The only thing that matters to me with you are the forevers.” - Dean Holder
Losing Hope, Book #2
“All those nights you held me and just let me cry . . . you have no idea how many
times you’ve already saved me.” - Sky 'Hope'

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