#311 ; Happy Halloween 2013

Today is  photo tumblr_mc4j3ooQoO1qdlkyg_zps19a54f2c.gif, which means it's Halloween's Day! The day where you go Trick O Treat, dressing up as anything you like. From  photo tumblr_inline_mueoz9JuWm1qdlkyg_zpsebf2f6d1.gif to  photo tumblr_inline_mueoz7Ibcu1qdlkyg_zpsf99f3336.gif to  photo tumblr_mc4f5vRtmK1qdlkyg_zpsed88fcb2.gif to whatever you can think of. But sadly, Singapore doesn't celebrate much of Halloween over here. But we have some events tho. Pretty expensive !  photo tumblr_mbhea27SiC1qbs47q_zps7346369d.gif I think in my post, you will see many many pictures.  photo tumblr_mbhea27SiC1qbs47q_zps7346369d.gif I got the random Halloween feeling! So I guess it can't be helped. Went around to all my favorite pixels tumblr, there are so many Halloween Pixels  photo tumblr_mckxwj0i3v1qbs47q_zpsbd19e348.gif I liked them a lot, so pretty!  photo tumblr_inline_mueoz9JuWm1qdlkyg_zpsebf2f6d1.gif So here and there, you see cute pixels floating here and there  photo tumblr_inline_mueosrqlGT1qdlkyg_zpse6073398.gif Don't blame me! I love pixels a lot! Wow, tomorrow is November already! But who cares, I bother about my  photo tumblr_mc4j3ooQoO1qdlkyg_zps19a54f2c.gif first! WAHAHAHA!  photo tumblr_inline_mueoz7Ibcu1qdlkyg_zpsf99f3336.gif I am all tired manzxc.  photo tumblr_mckxw3l3vJ1qbs47q_zpsaba86d1d.gif But still, I am going to enjoy my day! I think I am good at being happy!  photo tumblr_mbhe9w5B9h1qbs47q_zpsd10b74b7.gif Well, certainly to be a happygirl! I didn't have breakfast today cos I want to lose some weight.  photo tumblr_inline_mueosrqlGT1qdlkyg_zpse6073398.gif Well, that's how it is going to be! Shall talk less & show you those pixels I personally liked.  photo tumblr_mc4f8gSqJC1qdlkyg_zpsbc658582.gif


My personal favorites!   photo tumblr_mckxwavcFy1qbs47q_zpsd092f602.gif

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