#276 ; Too little too long

Light, open up the way for the dark souls.
Today is such a  photo tumblr_inline_mgk9brHjyb1qid2nw_zps85a4e3a2.gif day but my office feels like it's winter day! So therefore, I am a total  photo tumblr_inline_mgk9avwiDp1qid2nw_zps274ea734.gif on the weather. HAHAHA. Got cold, got hot. Hehe, I am going to do a short update. photo tumblr_inline_mgk98qcnqw1qid2nw_zps36a037dc.gif Cos there isn't much thing to actually blog about. My life is still the usual ~  photo tumblr_inline_mgk9c7bGUK1qid2nw_zps0582f8b5.gif Just don't have any complication and I will be a happygirl1992 Starting to panic abit  photo tumblr_inline_mgk99slFu11qid2nw_zps27830200.gif cos it's finally approaching with September. Brand new month, and that also means my Bboy♥'s birthday. Been saying since Day 1. LOL. I think I have been whining over his birthday since forever. Pray for me that everything will be planned accordingly  photo tumblr_inline_mgk9a2qSnl1qid2nw_zps51780919.gif Oh well, I guess I have been the only one who seemed to care a lot of things in regards to my Bboy♥. Been a thinker lately.  photo tumblr_inline_mgk9b8LSRI1qid2nw_zps903bb365.gif I have no idea how can I say this.  photo tumblr_inline_mgk99slFu11qid2nw_zps27830200.gif But I guess I got over it. What matters most is still, I respect whatever decision he makes. I have been weheart-ing it a lot lately.  photo tumblr_inline_mgk98qcnqw1qid2nw_zps36a037dc.gif So many nice images. Well, and also working! Going to head off to finish off my work for today~

What a total short update!
But of course, I will upload a really cute thing!

Totally hilarious ~ 
Just for laugh

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