#275 ; Daily

What we shared are things that people can never understand.
Hello people, here I am again.  photo tumblr_inline_mgfha9hKSj1qid2nw_zps136506e1.gif Coming in for an update! Hohoho. Got the urge to update for a quickie post.  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh976YmZ1qid2nw_zpsbb3cdda6.gif Maybe not a quickie, but an essay. Who knows. Been really busy with work lately and finally I am able to catch my breath.  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh6oxy561qid2nw_zpscbce54f0.gif But I am so glad all my things are F I N A L L Y cleared beautifully ! Let's just hope I can accomplish my work successfully cos it's really not easy to achieve all goals. But I am definitely being positive over it. No point thinking so much.  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh6hfVWZ1qid2nw_zpsf3de331f.gif I feel as if I am in a zen kind of mood ~  photo tumblr_inline_mgfha9hKSj1qid2nw_zps136506e1.gif How should I put it? Maybe cos I don't want think of any sorts of negative things. It makes me all  photo tumblr_inline_mgfhaiV4F41qid2nw_zpsc6c51759.gif so therefore I rather a  photo tumblr_inline_mgfha0H4W31qid2nw_zps3edf9206.gifn person. Hehehe. The end of August is approaching  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh9eUOt81qid2nw_zps6e27124d.gif Which means that my Bboy♥'s birthday is coming. Walao, why so fast.  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh9snq751qid2nw_zps519dc2c9.gif Currently still surveying what are the things I can do for him. After my Bboy♥'s birthday, it's going to be our Fifth Yearsary  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh9kGrBc1qid2nw_zps16dfa865.gif. Oh my! So quick, eh?  photo tumblr_inline_mgfhap2mUI1qid2nw_zps266e796f.gif Guess what? I purchase my first ever make up product.  photo tumblr_inline_mgfhb4yiwp1qid2nw_zps64f809f7.gif I am so happy over it ! Well, it has been sooo long since I did make up.

I actually camwhore with the looks. I feel different.  photo tumblr_inline_mgfha0H4W31qid2nw_zps3edf9206.gif Shall upload it at the bottom. Do look forward to see my different look. If you noticed, my hair has grown longer as well.  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh6hfVWZ1qid2nw_zpsf3de331f.gif Proud to say that, it took me really long to grow manzxc.  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh976YmZ1qid2nw_zpsbb3cdda6.gifSo a brand new long hair me will show a pretty side of me, excluding the mole.  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh90uhtF1qid2nw_zps8cd7dd8b.gif That's the only turn off , RAWR. Lately, I also did a bit of shopping. But I have to admit , without Bboy♥ beside me, I have a total no feel to shopping.  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh9eUOt81qid2nw_zps6e27124d.gif I will feel ultra dreadful if I were to shop for shoes ALONE.  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh9snq751qid2nw_zps519dc2c9.gif With my Bboy♥ around, I feel relaxed and less tensed up !  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh976YmZ1qid2nw_zpsbb3cdda6.gif Hehe, but I am pretty happy that I bought make up on my own. A pretty nice look ! Maybe tomorrow I am going to wear lipstick!  photo tumblr_inline_mgfha9hKSj1qid2nw_zps136506e1.gif Wahaha. Well, I feel so lame. Overly excited over make up!  photo tumblr_inline_mgfhb4yiwp1qid2nw_zps64f809f7.gif LOL. Well, I got myself three pairs of shoes less than $35 from #ZaloraSG. This is already the second time I purchase something from them !  photo tumblr_inline_mgfha0H4W31qid2nw_zps3edf9206.gif Fast and efficient ~

Hees, it's going to be the end of August. So therefore, let's be happy and look forward to another. Hehehe, I am excited to see one of my dearie's wedding shoot in October.  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh78SP6Q1qid2nw_zps7a97fc74.gif I believe she is excited too ~ Her wedding shoot is finally approaching. HAHAHA. Oh yes, happy things will always be cherished ~  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh976YmZ1qid2nw_zpsbb3cdda6.gif So therefore, I am always looking ahead. Well, both my Bboy♥ and I are still the same. Just hope his attitude will mellow down ~  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh9eUOt81qid2nw_zps6e27124d.gif If you ask me why  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh6zheFB1qid2nw_zps05e58fdc.gif. I can only say my Bboy♥'s temper can be very fury at times. Maybe I am too. But he is definitely more fierce. Well, I also receive two bigbig parcels from Celia just a few days ago. Well I think I posted it at the below post but I am still so happy for it !  photo tumblr_inline_mgfha0H4W31qid2nw_zps3edf9206.gif I was totally effing touched ! Well, I decided to buy some Christmas prezzie for my dearie(s)  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh9kGrBc1qid2nw_zps16dfa865.gif So I shall not think and prepare! YawnZzZz, didn't sleep early for the past few days as I was watching my new favorite anime; Magi  photo tumblr_inline_mgfha9hKSj1qid2nw_zps136506e1.gif That anime is pretty awesome, like Fairy Tail, Accel World, Sword Art Online, Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Some of the well known animes that I watched so far and I have no regrets over it.  photo tumblr_inline_mgfh78SP6Q1qid2nw_zps7a97fc74.gif Well, that's about my short update~ Let me upload some nice pictures of myself. I love to camwhore! But with my Bboy♥ and dearies, I can do that too!  photo tumblr_inline_mgfhb4yiwp1qid2nw_zps64f809f7.gif


Pick your choice.
 The me with spectacles or the me without spectacles.

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