#215 ; FOOD !

A slice of oreo cheesecake and a cup of cappuccino will do me good right now. Yes, I am thinking of food now. Comfort food. In fact, any type of food can actually tempted me right now. I don't think I am in a bad mood, just probably felt like eating without feeling fat. Yeah, I am the type who eat and gets fat easily. I want to have that kind of figure which no matter how you eat, you ain't fat. I admire people with such figures, you know! They are seriously super very power. Without fears of getting fat is awesome.

I am thinking from Oreo Cheesecakes
You'll know oreo cheesecake are damn good! I love Bakerzin's Oreo Cheesecake the most ! I think one day I want to bake this, cos it feels easy. My Bboy♥ don't like cheese so maybe do it for myself to eat. WAHAHAHA self pleasure manzxc.

To delicious yummy fries with fried fish fillet dipped with the special sauces,
The totally so good feeling! Damn, I am enjoying those yummy food in photos!
You see how yummlicious and thicklious the food are. I am in with fries most. Cos once you placed it in your mouth, you ask for more.

To sugar crispy donuts dipped with sugar.
When you placed it into your mouth, it simply have the "crunch crunch" sound. Totally so heavenly! Placing one by one into my mouth and savoring the sugar that is on my lips.

To blueberry sauced pancakes, oh gosh.
The taste of the sweetness. It simply melt as you eat the pancakes with the blueberry.
Sweet, sour taste as you eat them. OHMYYY! 

To strawberry crepes.
Ahhhh~ I have eaten crepe once. The chocolatey taste is the best of the best.
But the picture below makes me wanna try them with strawberry. I bet it's gonna taste damn good. Because crepes with strawberry and chocolate sauce feels like a total match. :D

To beautiful colored macarons. 
My virgin try with macarons was when Dr Pum treated Jasmine and I coffee at Trung Nguyen Coffee. Well, there was this angmoh man. He simply give us each a piece, saying it's free. I simply love the taste of the macarons. Oh gosh, one piece in Singapore is like $2?!!! But I am totally broke if I were to buy one. Hopefully I can buy one and eat again ! My Bboy♥ will kill me if I ask him to buy for me cos it's too expensive!

To pringles.
I totally want to eat the sour cream and onion one, it's my favorite! :3 I loved that one so much! I know whenever my Bboy♥'s house have, I will sneak a few into my mouth without him catching me. Pringles are super addictive. The more you placed into your mouth, the more you wanna have more. Wahahaha.

To cheesy cheesy pizza!
Oh gosh, I love mozzarella cheese a lot! Like super duper ultra max alot. It's the truth I love them when they are with pizza. Like for example, Pizza Hut's hawaiian pizza is the best. Cos the combination of the cheese is best of the best, I tell you. You won't go wrong cos they are sooo good. But sadly I can't have much pizza cos my Bboy♥ dislike cheesy stuffs.

To strawberry shortcake.
My impression tells me , I have not tried before. So that's why, pick a day and I am going to buy a slice for myself. But I am finding a occasion to well fit the reason for me to buy a cake. My birthday is over, so must think of another way. So hopefully I will find one and try. Japanese's Strawberry Cheesecake, it sounds good! So maybe I shall make time down to Liang Court and buy!

To cheesy cheesy (AGAIN) lasagna !
I made that once during my Home Economics during my secondary school days but I don't remember anymore. Maybe I shall go find recipe online and start making for my Bboy♥ and me. I am totally thinking of cheesy cheesy stuffs. Someone, save me ~

To red velvet cupcakes.
Call me a loser, I declare I have NEVER EVER try before. So therefore, I kinda suck.
The red always tempt me but I never spend before an amount to buy one. I should really try velvet cupcake soon !

To normal cheesecake.
WALAO! I love cheesecake alot but not those super cheesy kind! But still, they are awesome, definitely not as awesome as mozzarella cheese. But they are still as good as ever. You can't blame me for being a cheese lover. I love cheese so much. Proud to be a cheese lover.

Are you getting hungry? I posted so many food & I have the urge to go down McCafe and get dessert or maybe a cup of coffee. BUT I AM SICK ): I cannot do something so silly to jeopardize my illness! GRR, whatever. I shall go see some recipe and consider cooking >:) 

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