#194 ; Hello April 2013 !

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Just be you, people will love you for you.
Good morning,  photo tumblr_inline_mkai1kpvD51rxsw83_zps8eb69912.gif It's Monday. The long holiday are over  photo tumblr_inline_mkahzwhqeG1rxsw83_zpsc4971e0a.gif So that means it's time to work all over again. I am totally suffering from #MondayBlues.  photo tumblr_inline_mkai16l6GI1rxsw83_zps7ccd7880.gif You know the super nua-ish feeling? I am totally facing that now.  photo tumblr_inline_mkahzmNLP31rxsw83_zpsc75f8b04.gif Hohoho, the long weekend is total awesome. I get to catch GI Joe ; Retaliation with my Bboy♥ at Marina Square  photo tumblr_inline_mkai0tFPiu1rxsw83_zps829d1020.gif It has been quite awhile since we catch a movie together.  photo tumblr_inline_mkahzwhqeG1rxsw83_zpsc4971e0a.gif Soooo, we watched that. My goshhh, the cinema was so cold ! But I get to wear my beloved Bboy♥'s cosy jacket  photo tumblr_inline_mkahzwhqeG1rxsw83_zpsc4971e0a.gif It was so warm and fuzzy!!!  photo tumblr_inline_mkai5kdb3C1rxsw83_zpsb283d812.gif Totally feeling the love in the jacket. Hees, thank you Bboy♥  photo tumblr_inline_mkai1zOlWf1rxsw83_zpsd6dd8821.gif After that, on Friday which is Good Friday, we went over to Malaysia. Initially we didn't go cos it was so jammed.  photo tumblr_inline_mkai1tCotI1rxsw83_zps3982f11f.gif So we went over to Clementi for breakfast. Ate lontong, sooo spicy.  photo tumblr_inline_mkahyjxhXM1rxsw83_zps08e5bebb.gif Literally can die of the spicy-ness! Then we went over to IMM to walk and kill some time.  photo tumblr_inline_mkai1kpvD51rxsw83_zps8eb69912.gif Well, didn't buy much of anything. But I managed to buy my Panda flavored 香港鸡蛋仔  photo tumblr_inline_mkai0tFPiu1rxsw83_zps829d1020.gif So good !!!  photo tumblr_inline_mkai04XcpL1rxsw83_zpsacbe2654.gif Bboy♥ also kept koup-ing from me. After that, we checked and finally decided to go in Malaysia since it's not that jammed anymore.  photo tumblr_inline_mkai16l6GI1rxsw83_zps7ccd7880.gif Hees, but in the midst got abit of jam. But so thankful, we managed to go in. Had Soul Thai for late lunch. Cos by the time we reached Malaysia, it was close to 2pm.  photo tumblr_inline_mkai1tCotI1rxsw83_zps3982f11f.gif So had our lunch then we went over to KSL City. That's my favorite shopping center in Malaysia.  photo tumblr_inline_mkai04XcpL1rxsw83_zpsacbe2654.gif It's awesome. So Bboy♥ changed SGD$150 then we spilt up with Bboy♥'s family then off we go separately  photo tumblr_inline_mkai5kdb3C1rxsw83_zpsb283d812.gif. We agreed to meet at about 7pm so I got Bboy♥ all to myself.  photo tumblr_inline_mkahzsltpf1rxsw83_zpsd8f3a712.gif Amazingly, I bought a lot of things.  photo tumblr_inline_mkahyjxhXM1rxsw83_zps08e5bebb.gif Hees, we made an appointment at QS Reflexology for a 2 in 1 Massage. It's cheap, please  photo tumblr_inline_mkai1kpvD51rxsw83_zps8eb69912.gif RM54 for a person & one hour in total. 40 mins foot reflexology and 20 mins body massage. So why not? We just hope it's relaxing  photo tumblr_inline_mkai16l6GI1rxsw83_zps7ccd7880.gif. HAHAHA. Off we go walk walk before our appointment at 5pm. That's about 2 hours away  photo tumblr_inline_mkai16l6GI1rxsw83_zps7ccd7880.gif. So therefore, we walked around. Saw many cute casings.  photo tumblr_inline_mkai0tFPiu1rxsw83_zps829d1020.gif Hees, but my first buy was Facial Wash from Clean and Clear. Bought toner and cleanser.  photo tumblr_inline_mkai1kpvD51rxsw83_zps8eb69912.gif Also bought myself a VICS for my nose. Thank you Bboy♥  photo tumblr_inline_mkai0tFPiu1rxsw83_zps829d1020.gif He was such a sweet munchykin ! Gave me random kisses that day  photo tumblr_inline_mkai0gJfNe1rxsw83_zpsa73ac336.gif Loves him when he's being a nice and sweet boyfriend. Hohoho. So after that, I bought a pair of flats chosen by my Bboy♥  photo tumblr_inline_mkai16l6GI1rxsw83_zps7ccd7880.gif I am wearing it today! It's so nice!  photo tumblr_inline_mkai16l6GI1rxsw83_zps7ccd7880.gif Well after that, went to see casing. I finally made up my mind and bought one! It's all pink in color  photo tumblr_inline_mkahyjxhXM1rxsw83_zps08e5bebb.gif I can't believe I chose all to be in pink! This & This! I can't believe I actually buy pink color casing ! I am not a person who fancy pink a lot but amazingly, maybe thanks to my Bboy♥ I am all in love with pink  photo tumblr_inline_mkahyjxhXM1rxsw83_zps08e5bebb.gif About 5pm, we went for our massage. Mostly I was kinda in total pain  photo tumblr_inline_mkai24xhjO1rxsw83_zps10a11dbc.gif It hurts so so so so so bad ! I feel like I am injured. The person pressed so hard till I can cry.  photo tumblr_inline_mkahzwhqeG1rxsw83_zpsc4971e0a.gif It is effing pain ! But I managed to survive it!  photo tumblr_inline_mkai1efeLd1rxsw83_zpsd6a73167.gif Oh my gosh, next time we shall go the full body massage instead of this killing pain ! Totally wanted the person to  photo tumblr_inline_mkai5gloWW1rxsw83_zpscf4bd45b.gif. I am still sore manzxc. But it really relax my body.  photo tumblr_inline_mkahzmNLP31rxsw83_zpsc75f8b04.gif Hoho I managed to buy my long awaited chocolate eclairs from Auntie Anne. It's so awesome. I am totally in love with the chocolate eclairs.  photo tumblr_inline_mkai0tFPiu1rxsw83_zps829d1020.gif It's RM3.90 which means it costs SGD$1 plus in Singapore. HOLY FUQQQ! That's the best of the best  photo tumblr_inline_mkai04XcpL1rxsw83_zpsacbe2654.gif but sadly Singapore do not sell them. Ahh whatever, I can enjoy can already!  photo tumblr_inline_mkai1zOlWf1rxsw83_zpsd6dd8821.gif I also managed to buy Oat Krunch at a low price. Weeee~! Seemed like I spent alot  photo tumblr_inline_mkai5kdb3C1rxsw83_zpsb283d812.gif Hees, no wonder Bboy♥ say I spent a lot on myself. Well, we had zi char for dinz. We have veggies, Asam Curry Fish, Pork Ribs, Fu Rong Egg! It's so delicious. I drank hot chestnut water. This is total B L I S S F U L-ness  photo tumblr_inline_mkai16l6GI1rxsw83_zps7ccd7880.gif Okkkay, so it's time to head back to Singapore. Went one last round of shopping. That irritating guard stopped me just because I bring food in  photo tumblr_inline_mkai275q111rxsw83_zpse4d6341c.gif. PS. I ate twice chocolate eclairs !!  photo tumblr_inline_mkahzsltpf1rxsw83_zpsd8f3a712.gif Bboy♥ allowed me to buy! YAY! So ya, that fellow stopped me then off we went back to Singapore. Our butts were all so numb.  photo tumblr_inline_mkahyjxhXM1rxsw83_zps08e5bebb.gif We left at 9pm and roughly 1145pm, we reached Bboy♥'s house. Oh my gosh, close to 3 hrs of sore butt due to a sudden jam.  photo tumblr_inline_mkai24xhjO1rxsw83_zps10a11dbc.gif No choice! But still, we managed to unload , shower and totally rest ! Hees, Friday was such an enjoyable day despite the sore butt  photo tumblr_inline_mkai1tCotI1rxsw83_zps3982f11f.gif I shopped, I buy alot of things & most importantly, I have my Bboy♥ right beside me. This is the best of the best !  photo tumblr_inline_mkai6b6CcV1rxsw83_zpsf4e01233.gif

As of Saturday, I am incredibly shag due to the fact I slept late  photo tumblr_inline_mkahyjxhXM1rxsw83_zps08e5bebb.gif Didn't head out till the evening with Bboy♥ Catch an awesome nap to recharge back my energy!  photo tumblr_inline_mkai2dmLCY1rxsw83_zps564fdd37.gif Sleeping late is such a crime!  photo tumblr_inline_mkai24xhjO1rxsw83_zps10a11dbc.gif Totally regretted it. But on a brighter note , I watched my Vampire Diaries, Fairy Tail & Supernatural.  photo tumblr_inline_mkai6b6CcV1rxsw83_zpsf4e01233.gif Hees, so satisfied especially with Fairy Tail.  photo tumblr_inline_mkai04XcpL1rxsw83_zpsacbe2654.gif Well, it was the last episode. I do hope they come back. I love Fairy Tail so much.  photo tumblr_inline_mkai1kpvD51rxsw83_zps8eb69912.gif Well, then I caught my nap as mentioned. After that, had chicken rice and roast pork for late lunch. After eating, practically nua-ed till evening. Had dinz then off to Tampines Mall. Wanna go to Spring Kyushu Fair ! Didn't buy anything, we bascially just walk around  photo tumblr_inline_mkai1zOlWf1rxsw83_zpsd6dd8821.gif Only upon going back Bboy♥'s house then we bought desserts for this sickening weather. It's so effing hot  photo tumblr_inline_mkai275q111rxsw83_zpse4d6341c.gif Then I got myself hot barley with gingko nuts while I treated Bboy♥ cold Cheng Ting. Hees, slept early that night to prepare for Sunday.

Time always passes by so quickly with the one you love.  photo tumblr_inline_mkahzwhqeG1rxsw83_zpsc4971e0a.gif It's Sunday, so I woke up rather late but earlier than my usual time. Went to wash my clothes and brush my teeth. Went downstairs for breakfast. Bboy♥ ate wanton noodles AGAIN. So we had our breakfast along with his brother and mom. Soon after, his dad also joined. Went back Bboy♥'s house, had a quick shower then off we go except his brother to Marina Bay Sands. Bboy♥'s mom wants to go to Singapore Coin Festival  photo tumblr_inline_mkai1zOlWf1rxsw83_zpsd6dd8821.gif So we tagged along. Kinda boring though  photo tumblr_inline_mkahyjxhXM1rxsw83_zps08e5bebb.gif Then we went over around. Lunch was Ajisen Ramen. The food at Marina Bay Sands is effing expensive.  photo tumblr_inline_mkai275q111rxsw83_zpse4d6341c.gif I spent like $10 of ramen. HOLYYY! Then we had our lunch. Went back Bboy♥'s house. Got a nap around 3.45pm. Must catch some rest or else super shag.  photo tumblr_inline_mkai24xhjO1rxsw83_zps10a11dbc.gif Woke up around 6pm to help out with the hanging of clothes. Bboy♥ switched on The Land of The Lost. We finished the whole movie and had dinz. Simply love Bboy♥'s mom home cooked food.  photo tumblr_inline_mkai1kpvD51rxsw83_zps8eb69912.gif So therefore, about 8pm I went to bathe and off to Tampines. Bboy♥ treated me Almond Beancurd for supper. So good.  photo tumblr_inline_mkai0gJfNe1rxsw83_zpsa73ac336.gif So home sweet home at 9.45pm! What a long weekend ! So happy to be beside my dearest Bboy♥. I went Malaysia , I get to accompany him and it's the best !  photo tumblr_inline_mkai0tFPiu1rxsw83_zps829d1020.gif Super satisfied !

Hees. So today, it's back to work. So it's a new week again !  photo tumblr_inline_mkai1tCotI1rxsw83_zps3982f11f.gif Let's hope it all goes well. I am super shag though. Cos I slept at 1am last night. Today I am TOTALLY sleeping early!  photo tumblr_inline_mkai24xhjO1rxsw83_zps10a11dbc.gif Hees. Well, that's about it !

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Let's have a warm welcome to April ! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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