#188 ; One Month of Goodbye

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It has been exactly a month since goodbye was made. Everything happened so quickly but this is life. I have no regrets for leaving , just sometimes the bittersweet memories are the ones that made them so memorable. The day goodbyes were made just made me know that, goodbyes can't be escaped. Afterall, that's the first. That's why the memories still do sting somewhere in my heart. But I know, I will be all fine. This is one thing I have to admit, I freaking hate goodbyes. But goodbyes make people stronger. Having a sickening headache since forever! Just want to say, thank you for all the happy memories. I will always miss you all & you all will be a part inside my heart. I know sometimes it's really tough to tell myself, I am no longer a part of the family there and right now I am in a different family. Well, somehow they are the first. First company dinner, first Christmas dinner, first place, first in my little working life. Well, though I know its nothing at all because I am only young and goodbyes will keep coming along the way. Oh well, the feeling simply just sucks whenever I think. Nah but at least I know one thing for sure. I found a better place when I bid farewell. A better chance will always find me & that will always keep me going. Hees. That place will always be in my heart for you all taught me a lot of things. My stepping stone.

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