#185 ; Summary

Fall in love. 
Hello sweethearts. :D It's Monday! TwT The day when the weekends are over and we have to be happyy! But still, I am facing Monday blues! ): It's definitely not easy to overcome the bluey feeling especially when the week has been great. I am pretty satisfied with my weekends but still abit grumpy! B'coz I have fallen ill again ! :< That's so fucktard ! I hate falling sick, making my body all jello & weak. Who enjoys being sick?! I totally do not! Fucking shit. Cough until so uncomfortable. On a brighter note, my weekend is great. As mentioned in my twitter, I went Gardens by the Bay with Bboy♥, his brother & momsy! Funn! I regretted not bringing my camera only! Couldn't take the lovely flowers. They are so effing pretty, I wanna go again if Bboy♥ give approval :x The day before, I went Tawandang with Bboy♥ and his family. Waa, his mom treated dinz. Epic! I have to say, I love Dempsey ! The food, the place is so lovely. But one suck part is, you can't go there without a car. Aww shag maxxx ! I hate it TOTALLY! :/ So therefore, I have no choice but to simply just go there ONCE Bboy♥ have a car. Hees. Also, yesterday was Bboy♥ and me's fifty three monthsary! ♥♥. What a long long journey we have been together. Guess what, I am all sad and depressed b'coz my phone died on me ! :< Not die. But I have to use my Nokia phone b'coz the battery died upon me. Ahh crap! TwT damn, I am also visiting the doctor later. Feeling all unwell. I seriously hate falling sick every month! I wanna get well soon ! ): Oh well, pretty much a short update about myself ! Got time camwhore & edit a picture of myself. Ohh yes, I am finishing in editing Bboy♥ and my valentine day! :D Do await ! It might be long but I am satisfied.

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