#107 ; Dreamcatcher

Closer, just a bit more closer and I will let you taste of heaven.
Heyy suckers! Just kidding! I am going to blog again ! Well, while browsing through the awesome website called weheartit.com. I come across something magnificent. Always wanted to talk about it but sadly, it never pops in my heart so I completely forgotten. So people, you are lucky. I am going to blog about the beautiful thing that actually caught my eye. I wanna buy one for my Bboy♥ but the thought of he-has-nowhere-to-put, I brush it away. Probably buy one for myself instead. Well, I think many of you have heard of it before. It's known as dreamcatcher. What a lovely name, right? Well, I watched Once Upon A Time and they mentioned. They say that dreamcatcher captures all nightmare and only leave behind all the good happy dreams. Well, such a beautiful meaning. Let me show you how it looks like, they are pretty. Aye. Totally makes me wanna owe one.

This is just one example of how a dream catcher looks like. Isn't it so beautiful. Sewn with beautiful wools and feathers. Interesting , uh! There are so many different types of dreamcatchers. So there are many other types as well.

Like this picture, these are the different designs of dreamcatchers. Being able to catch all nightmares. So we all can sleep happily! Isn't that awesome? Who loves having nightmare when they sleep? Well, they do remind me of chimes? You know wind chimes? Those kind. But they are different, they have a circular and hanging with feathers. Kinda unique. According to Native Americans, dreams that humans have while they sleep, are sent by sacred spirits as messages.  According to their Legend, in the center of the dreamcatcher there is a hole.  Good dreams are permitted to reach the person sleeping through this hole in the web.  As for the bad dreams or nightmare, the web traps them and they disappear at dawn with the first light. For some, they try to determine what messages are being past onto them and what the message represents. So many kinds of legends, just a matter of what do you believe and what you don't. Well, I am pretty fascinated with their peculiar designs.

I like this picture quite alot. It feels like, she's holding it up and taking away all the bad dreams. Well, though I am unable to see the girl's face, but it just feels like by holding it high up feels like it's saying go away bad dreams, I am not afraid of you. Well, I believe certain people are afraid of nightmares or maybe majority of us cos dreams feel so real. Well, this dreamcatcher is beautiful enough to make me love it. Dreamcatcher also have this tribal feeling, can you feel it like me? I do. HAHAHA. Oh manzxc, make me really really wanna owe one right now. Oh manzxc. He wouldn't let me but we shall see >:) Right now, I am hoping to find another Ahmao first. Look at my instagram. It's a gift from Winn ! Oh well. Look at the next picture of how to make a dreamcatcher. Make one, peepo. Who knows you will have happy dreams all day long as long as you are sleeping.

This is how you can make a dreamcatcher, enjoy peeps!

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