#103 ; ソードアート・オンライン
Yesterday, I started a brand new Anime. Well, I never thought I will start watching but I started & fyeah I got hooked yet again. Currently, it's out till episode 20 but I am only at episode 7. Within a day, I am already at episode 7. This show I am amazing. But I forgo my sleep. So it's not a good sign. Gonna fall sick soon if I don't take good care of myself.
Asthma , cough has been coming back, on and off. Not such a good thing. Probably cos the weather is also on and off. It can be effing hot this moment, then it can be effing cold the next moment.
As long as it doesn't stable down, my body simply react the same way but thankfully mom cooked hot hot peanut soup to make me feel all fuzzy and warm
H3h3h3, fuzzy feeling! I don't know why suddenly I wanna type F U Z Z Y but it just sounds nice?
LOL. Well, the anime was introduced by Celia. Also, I saw it somewhere but I didn't place it anywhere in my mind cos the title and picture looks way boring
So therefore I didn't bother till yesterday after watching 下一次心跳. I was just being bored then a lightbulb just appear in my head.
So tadah, I came watching that Anime. Non stop, I tell you. But of course, I have to stop cos I started coughing. Must stop. So I slept around 1230am last night. Today went to see photos of the Anime, nice nice. Well, without further ado, I shall introduce the anime to you all.
It's a pretty much addictive show! I have yet to continue. Maybe tonight or later on ~ !
The anime is none other but Sword Art Online. Well, it's an incredible anime. Worth the time to watch. I don't regret for starting. Well, though there are certain scenes I am anticipating ! But still, I shall take my own sweet time to watch. Why rush?
Good things are definitely worth waiting for. Well, people you should watch too !
It's a really addictive anime. Well, you can see how Kirito grows up in the process! HAHAHA. Other than that, see the dragons, games etc. I believe you will love the anime exactly like I do! LOL.
All the characters ~
The main character, Kirito.