#86 ; Five Days Four Nights

You don't have to be my favorite to make me love you. 
Oh my gawd. Photobucket I am literally busy at work currently but I wanna take up some time to update this lil space of me. So happy! I broke record manzxc. I stayed over my Bboy♥'s house for 5 days 4 nights. Omg ! But still, so happy to be beside him. Ohhh gosh, so happy! Photobucket But it's super duper lame, I tell you. I sleep like till 8.45am all the way for the past 5 days. That sickening Bboy♥ just wouldn't let me sleep longer ! Photobucket What's more, I was over at Bboy♥'s house so I got no choice. HAHAHAHA. Well, yesterday took leave to spend time with him as well. For the past five days over at his place was A W E S O M E Photobucket The Thursday, Bboy♥ and I watched American's Horror Story Season 2. I freaked out a lot, Photobucket Too scary to handle. H3h3h3, that week was also Bboy♥'s mom birthday. For what I remembered, on the Friday his mom's side came over for a mini gathering in celebration of Bboy♥'s mom & his aunt. Their birthday is just a different of two days. I tell you, the past few days the weather was a total killer. Photobucket So hot and frustrating. Kinda was bored all the way. But thankfully, managed to go out to buy cake. Photobucket I was super happy! B'coz I was ultra happy. Imagine rotting there for hours and finally you can go out. That kind of feeling was total shiooooook Photobucket Heh. I am so lame~ Well, had Steamboat when we came back. We bought Swensen's Ice Cream Cake. On a hot weather, ice cream cake seemed the best. Photobucket For the steamboat, I ate a lot of salmon. It was delicious. Splendid ~ Photobucket I♥SALMONNNN! H3h3h3. Well that was on Friday..,

Saturday.. Bboy♥ had to go to work so went out with Bboy♥'s mom, his brother and mom. Had breakfast at the food court ~ We all ate Crispy Meatball Noodles, whereas his mom ate others. Followed Bboy♥'s mom to Tampines Mall for a quick walk. His mom bought HappyCall. That frying pan is so famous now. Photobucket Then hanged around here and there. Was so tempted to buy Neckerman but didn't buy Photobucket Cos Bboy♥ say not nice. So I just see see look look. Never buy anything. After that, Bboy♥ went to nap. I managed to watch The Vampire Diaries Season 4 Ep 3 Photobucket Awesome! HAHAHA. Then after that, watched abit of teevee then we headed out ! Followed them to Jurong Point. Rested in the car , was a bit tired. After that, we walked here and there. We had dinner at KFC. Photobucket Simple and easy. After that, we headed off to Marina Square. H3h3h3, drank Starbucks Coffe that day. White Chocolate Mocha, then Bboy♥ bought SMART TV. Photobucket They took ultra long and I was walking here and there while waiting. Photobucket I enjoyed all the HD Quality MTV there. Watched G-Dragon's Heartbreaker, Hyuna's Ice Cream MV ~ Photobucket Abit sian, but overall still okay. After which, we headed back to Bboy♥'s house. LOL received a phonecall saying I won iPad 2 Photobucket but in the end , it's a fraud. CONFIRM ONE. Photobucket Cos in the end, they didn't messaged me. Took medicine afterwards and sleeeeeep after bathing. Wowfantasticbaby, the medicine was damn power. Can say it's instant knock out !!!

On Sunday, it was Bboy♥'s mom actual birthday so therefore happy birthday auntyyyy! ♥. So his mom cooked mee sua for us to eat then we went out during the late afternoon. Bboy♥ and I took a two hours nap before proceeding to have our lunch. Burger King Fish Burger. Yummlicious ~ Photobucket Then watched Battleship with Bboy♥. Helped to hang the clothes while he iron. Soon, I took a REFRESHING shower and headed out with Bboy♥ & his family. We went to Vivo City. H3h3h3. After a long discussion, his mom decided to have Imperial Herbal Restaurant for her birthday dinner. It's my second time trying that restaurant with Bboy♥ and his family. First time also with them. H3h3h3, the food was so nice ! Photobucket I love it!!! So we walked around awhile before heading back to Bboy♥. Was on leave the next day. So I stayed another day Photobucket h3h3h3h3.

Monday... Long weekend for me Photobucket So I slept a bit longer ! Watched Kimi Ni Todoke and Kaichou wa Maid Sama. So I slept around 12plus. Sadded, my Sukitte ii na yo got no new episode yet that night Photobucket Thanks to Bboy♥, I got bugged to wake up. Woke up, bathe and went down to have breakfast. Ate Crispy Meatball Noodles with Almond Milk Tea again Photobucket I love the Almond Tea. Saturday ate that, Monday also. So had breakfast then off to walk walk awhile before heading back to Bboy♥'s house. The weather was too hot for us to endure. Photobucket Went back Bboy♥'s house, watched Hellboy then off to do spring cleaning. Bought Vegetarian Kway Chup for myself and Char Kway Tiao for Bboy♥ . Got such a bad running nose that day Photobucket My nose was running all the way. WTFFFFFFF Photobucket Ate then helped abit before taking Panadol ; Sinus to sleep. Slept till 1730pm. My nose was wayyyyyy better! DEFINITELY. So nua-ed , shower-ed then headed out with Bboy♥, his dad and mom. They wanna go to Loyang Tua Pek Kong so I tagged along. Learning experience. Photobucket Had dinner before heading there. Mmm, ate Indian Rojak and Chicken Rice. SHIOK! I took train from Pasir Ris MRT all the way home. LOL, kept thinking that day was Sunday Photobucket TOTALLY LAME LIKE MADDDDD. HAHAHA so headed home , watched my Sukitte Ii Na Yo and a few episodes of Kaichou Wa Maid Sama then bed time.

Today is working day! So normal lifestyle, back to reality. November is coming in 2 days time Photobucket Not exciting at all. HAHAHA. In case you miss my updates, stalk me at instagram, twitter or facebook~ That's where I am mostly online. Hohoho. That's all. Ending the post with a photo of something cute.

I cannot resist neko's gif pictures. 
Too cute already! ^w^

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