#79 ; Cheating

Today I had one of the weirdest dream ever. I hate that dream, I have to admit & right now I am telling myself it's just a dream. Nothing real but that feeling is so uncomfortable. So bullshit manzxc. Yuppie, it's about cheating. I believe my Bboy♥ but the dream is just so clear in my fucking head. Not my fault for thinking about it, it just happen. Am I thinking too much, literally? Oh manzxc. Here goes my dream..

I dreamt of my Bboy♥ cheating behind me. I actually dreamt of who's that girl and me making friends with the girl. Can you believe that?! It all felt like Danielle-Faith-Jordan's drama again. I don't know how the fuq I know the girl but the girl seemed to be a friend. She was talking to me so happily over her new boyfriend. Yeah I was happy for her. So she showed me photo. Then I was like "Dafuq?! It's my boyfriend?!". As in, I didn't say that. It was my mind then she was so happy, blissfully telling me her love life. Well, was upset but I actually suggested her to take more photos with her boyfriend and show it to me. She actually tell me, she try and say her boyfriend is super camera shy. My head was totally omg omg omg omg. My boyfriend is actually cheating behind my back! I don't remember crying at all. It just felt so real and at 6.52am I woke up! My head STILL remember everything so clearly. Not my fault if it just happens. I don't know why the fuq I have such a dream.

But when I told Bboy♥ about it, he also had the same dream as me. His was I was cheating on him. Also, we both woke up 3 times that night. It was a good night but the dream kinda ruined it? I believe it's fake and I know my Bboy♥ loves me as much as I love him. Undeniable fact. But it's really sucks when you dream of such thing. I do not want anymore of Danielle-Jordan-Faith's drama. Once is enough. That person ruined my life a lot ! I don't want to end up like that person again despite I shed a lot of kg. So ya. All I know, cheating kills. If you love someone, don't cheat. Relationship is made for two people. Not for another bitch/bastard to ruin it all.