As innocent as it seemed.
MeowZ people.

Now my
#blog is gonna filled with songs as well. How'd you find it? Nice? Well, this week was so shag to even blog. Not
just busy , also have to settle certain things. Oh well, procedure of new staff coming. Well, this is
working life so afterall this is how reality will work

No matter how tough is, this is reality. I am pretty sad right now cos I thought I can use my
dream phone like today?! But now, I have to wait till next week or maybe longer to use it. No choice

I sold my
Andriod Phone and stuck with two pathetic phone. But it's definitely better than nothing though they are effing lag.

Well, maybe my
dream phone is just can't be used for me now. But I have intention to change cover. I won't unveil my dream phone till I can use it.

But people who knows me will know that it's very easy to guess!

The only hint I can give is, it has
Black, White & Pink. LOL. So easy to guess

So don't disappoint me by telling me
you don't know. I only hope for the best for my
Bboy♥. I know he wants to use his
dream phone too. See the way he react and everything can see my
Bboy♥ loves his dream phone so much but it's very fucktard when the system just have to be bastard to him

Well , so now both of us have to wait. I am patiently waiting

Despite how much I really hate that sucker phones but cheer up.
Good days will come 
As usual, it's Friday & I am gonna stay over my
Bboy♥'s place

. Hehehe. Not complaining but still , I am kinda used to such routine.

Hmm, right now I am waiting for my payday

Abit of broke

But I am not whining. Cos I know I whine,
Bboy♥ is TOTALLY gonna kaopeh me.

Hohoho. Well. I wanna use my
dream phone manzxc

But I don't know how long I have to wait. This sucks manzxc. Oh well, heading off to do work now.

Toodles people.