#63 ; I just want to feel loved.

What normal boyfriends do?
- Send girlfriend home. No need all the time, at least be there to let her know how important she is to you.
- Celebrate monthsary with their girlfriend.
- Celebrate with loads of happiness during their yearsary. You can never imagine how each year meant to a girl.
- Message cute little words to her and make her feel sweeten. By calling dear, girl, baby, anything just makes her melt. No need everytime, at least a few times in a week.
- Tell her what you are doing. Assure her, let her feel love, let her all the feelings she deserved to have.

Ya fuck shit. I know boyfriends need things too. Didn't I do enough? Didn't I try all I can be your best? Fuck this shit. I am already clearing all the bad things in me. Yet to you, I am just a fucking ATM and Dog. You say I bear grudges, how badly you hurt me? You will never fucking hell know. You banned me from working one year. Our 3rd year, I worked that pathetic job and earn that miserable amount just to make that customized pressie for you. In the end, you throw it away. You fucking hell treat me like a derp. I want to feel loved. Yea fuck my sensitivity but can you at least know your fucking girlfriend did a lot of things for you. Instead of scolding me, kpkb-ing me, at least know I did all I can to give you my love. Not enough, is it? You say I am like fairy tale, romantic but can you see I stopped. I don't compare myself with other lucky girls. But you know how much each little things you do matter to me! I bet you never know. You only know I give you money, I give you everything you want. Fuck myself. Hell yeah, fuck myself for loving you so much when I get back nothing. I am tired. I wanna give up but I still love you but what things matter to you now? MONEY?! FUTURE?! Can't you at least let me know our 4th yearsary is IMPORTANT?! You insulted my bears, but you don't know how valuable they are to me. You threatened me, abused me before, I already doing all I can to push it back. Why can't I be loved like a normal girlfriend to a normal boyfriend?

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