#56 ; Tour Guide DanDan

Everyone is imperfect, so face it otherwise fuck off.
Heyyo people, I am tired ! Today, I am officially Tour Guide DanDan, been guiding this new staff with all his enquiries all the things he don't know. Basically I feel like a Tour Guide. So effing tired, you know! D: Finally, right now I can enjoy a cup of hot cappuccino and relaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ! H3h3h3, went downstairs to do the 10 minutes massage. It's fucking awesome (Y) I feel so relaxed right now :/ Today is busy me day! I just hope I helped him , ain't angry but just tired. Happy that I am able to help him as much as I can. Wahahaha! I am heading to Thailand real soon. FUCKYEAHH. :D LOL. I have yet to pack my lugguage, gonna do it on Sunday / Monday! Cos I am staying over at my Bboy♥'s house. I miss you , sweet love of mine! ^~^ Right now, just relaxing after being a Tour Guide today. HOLYFUQ, it's tired. :x But I ain't complaining. That's my job (; Hohoho. Tour Guide DanDan~ Nice? HAHAHA New name for me ! :x I guess so. But so happy, the 10 mins massage perked me up. But honestly, I miss going to UrbanSpa with my Bboy♥ That one is confirm 100% shiok ! :D Totally thinks that's the best of the best. Fyeahhhh ! xD I know my Bboy♥ miss the stop just like me. T-T Oh manzxc. HAHAHA. When is it going to have P R O M O T I O N !??!?! I want D: LOL. H3h3h, I am going off.Lazyyyyyyyyyyy!

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