#55 ; Day 1 - Your Best Friend

Winnie Yeong Ying Ying, my best friend since Primary 5. 
One of the most important person in my life. It has been almost 9 years since I know her. I miss those times we are together. I still remember sitting beside her during my primary school days. During my Primary Five days, I was a really quiet girl cos I got separated from one that's close with me. So eventually, I become a person that's so quiet that you can't sense me in class. Can you imagine she who is also very quiet is the one who start to get me talking? Well, I am not lying. Gradually, we started to be really close and we become friends. We had recess together, we talked on phone, we simply become good friends. I don't know if I have already treated her as bff or what but I know slowly, she made her way as my best friend. Possibly, it's fate. I don't know how to explain the feelings I have for her but I know she's one hell of a important friend. One that I don't wish to lose. We watched movies together, hanged out together. One thing I remember very deeply about her, she's very willing to treat me for lunch / dinner. You get my meaning, in the sense of she treated Swensens , Pizza Hut etc. It's expensive but she never once asked me to pay or what. She simply treated me meals. I remember ton-ing over her place just to Maple. I switched on "Sleeping Child" all the way and we chiong-ed throughout. I remembered how close we are. I remember she's the first person who celebrated my birthday after midnight. Is like we spent the whole day on 11th and all the way till 12am at West Coast. I think. Birthday celebration. Her parents send me home too. I know she is so important. I tried being like her , the way I wear , etc. But I know one thing for sure, I do not want her to be unhappy. Be it her fault or not, I am willing to take the blame. I love this best friend of mine.

The world is different without her. But the biggest mistake I committed probably is letting her know love. Letting her experience love is a mistake I won't forgive myself. Resulting to her parents dislike, to all the unhappy things. But she still bought me birthday presents without complaining. Everytime I talked about Winnie, I have a lot of many thoughts inside my head. It doesn't come in squence but they are all slowly pour out everytime I mentioned. If you happen to visit my main blog @ moifragileheart, you will be able to see how dearly she is to me. One of my biggest mistake is my mom changing my secondary school. Since then, I guess our friendship did get affected a lot. Also, I suck as a friend. Oh well. I don't know how to explain but I hate the fact that happened. If I didn't go to that secondary school, I can imagine being still best friend with her and our relationship won't be so strained. Another one to blame is myself. I am a very f--ked person. I say wrong things, I affect her, I make her angry. I remember her telling me I got the ability to let her forget me when I piss her off. One event I remember a lot is opening chalet though she's attached. She paid the most without complaining. She volunteered. Where can i find such a best friend? Haruhii & Kiruchii. Do you remember? I always love to find out things about her. Can you believe I cried for her as well? See, she's just that hell of a important friend. No one can replace how deeply etached is her in my heart. I don't love her as a girl/boyfriend but I love her as a best friend, a friend who is always there for me. Well, I can't think of bad points in her even if she has. I loved talking to her, meeting her. Right now, I just hope to be able to meet her again. I don't know when but I gave her presents on Christmas, occassions. Probably I am deeply attached to people who just give me a lot of love. Or whatever you can think. Life. Winnie, simply just meant a lot to me. Primary school days till today. I don't regret but just regret those mistakes that caused those unneccessary unhappiness between us. I remember those toys, those promises we made, every little details. Right now, I know you are having your own life. But I really hope one day we can meet and hang out. Double dates? I still remember the first time you responded to me & we started talking again after so many months! That joy described will never ever be forget. I swear I am so happy that day. The day you will call me on my phone, knowing your house number, chatting for hours. Words are really hard to describe how special you are to me. Memories with you, are not in order but I know I will remember each single moment. Have to say that my mouth hurt us a lot but overall I know no matter what, she's my forever and always best friend.

Hello Winn, will you ever pop by this blog and see this? Still keep all the prezzies I gave you? LOL. My gifts seemed to be so lame. I miss you a lot, my friend. Super ultra duper a lot. Sorry if I caused many unhappiness in the past. I miss having you around. It just feel like we only communicate in games. Have you say, I am seriously missing you. Also, congrats on your driving ! Passed months ago, but still have to say. I really hope you're happy right now. I know you ain't that kind that share problems but always know , I will always be here. I might miss chances to see you, but I know I will see you one day. Winn, you're my best friend forever and always. Be happy no matter what cos you've a friend who's lending a hand as long as you need me.

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