#51 ; Cupcakes

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Pretty cupcakes, fyeah! (: I know you agree with me. My baking vibes are telling me to bake cupcakes but I am proscastinating cos I know when I bake, Bboy♥ wouldn't eat. So it's like no point baking. Photobucket Supaaa depressing. Oh well, I have been looking at pretty cupcakes and strawberry shortcakes recipes online. Intend to bake after I come back from BKK. But it's telling me to bake this week. Photobucket Damn it , this is killing me >< Can't decide. But I am so madly in with those cupcakes with frosting. They are so pretty. I even wanna try do rainbow cupcakes. Ain't kidding. Photobucket Frankly speaking, cupcakes are fyeahpretty! I don't know if it's cos I am tempted by my colleagues baking or I am just curious ! xD Oh well, can't blame me. ><" Everytime I see pretty cupcakes, I wanna bake but I am afraid of rejection by my Bboy♥. Oh well, maybe in a way I am trying to push all my negativity inside me to go away. Photobucket I don't know why but I am just a bit of moody today ._. It's just all of a sudden, I hate such a feeling manzxc. It's so uncomfortable. Well, still considering whether I should really get cracking to bake ! I have this U R G E , but I am resisting it. Omfg ! HAHAHA. I hope it doesn't end up like my cookies. Hoho, if you haven't seen my post regarding my cookies. Take a look here. My first cooking post. HAHAHA. I thinking being able to bake / cook is a joy ! Photobucket Cos I learnt the different temperature, type of cooking etc. Photobucket Hahaha, happy me :D Oh well, hopefully I brush out those negativity and be happy me again ! Well, wonder if cupcakes are really gonna be the next thing I am going to bake :] Oh yessss ! Lemme introduce some nicenice cupcakes shop to let you all visit ~ Photobucket
FYI ; Cupcakes are mini cakes ! Do you know that?

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