#44 ; D A N B O !
F a m i l y , ♥
I found a website full of Danbo ! :3 It's so cute ! Well, pretty much of hopping and TA DAH I found Danbo ! ((: A W E S O M E ! H3h3h3, I liked Danbo quite awhile already. They are so cute , the robot looking. Cute, isn't it? Well, I found quite a few pictures of Danbo ! Well, no idea what makes me interested in Danbo but overall, maybe cos they are cute. Do you like Danbo like me? Tell me you do ! Oh well, here the website to Danbo. Danbo Danbo~ Toodles, I am going off for lunch. Do browse ~ ^^
Here are some of the cute Danbo(s) I found
Playing Tic Tac Toe ! ^^
Aww, supaa cute! :3