#41 ; K-Drama

Words, they are always the best to speak my heart.
Latest addiction is definitely K-Drama. Photobucket
Well, I watched another awesome K-drama but yet to do a Review. Wait till I finish watching then my review will be up. Hmm, can say it's definitely similar to another K-Drama I did a review on. It's none other than Rooftop Prince. If you have yet to see my review on that, click here. ≧^◡^≦ I am considering to watch it all over again. Rooftop Prince is awesome especially with Micky in it ! Hahahaha. The latest K-Drama I am watching is Queen In-Hyun's Man. It captivate me quite a lot , especially with the ability to balance modern life and joseon life. :>

I have no regrets watching all that I chose so far except Vampire Prosecutor. :/ I didn't continue, cos it's getting listless >w< So I stopped. Checked online, many were comparing both Rooftop Prince & Queen In-Hyun's Man together. Photobucket But overall, I think no point comparing. Yet simply just enjoy. :> The difference between both is that the ability of how both main casts adapt to the modern world. Photobucket Luving it alot , ♥ K-Drama never disappoints me .___. Both of their love stories are soo nicey ~ Gonna upload a photo of both , too awesome and I can't stop loving it ! ;D I bet if you watch, you will S T A R T to get hooked just like me. ^.^ H3h3h3. Well, let me upload the photo. Take a look Photobucket

So cute, right? :] They are v v v v similar but they are soo sweet ~ ^.^ Love such love stories. K-Drama you made me so in love with you. They feel like Taiwan Teen Dramas but I think Korean somehow are better. #IsupportKDrama I watched like soo many this year >w< H3h3h3, no regrets manzxc. So people, come join me & watch nice K-Drama. Let me introduce you a few~!! So go funshion or pps and watchhhhh ! ._______.

  • Rooftop Prince
  • Big
  • Personal Taste
  • Queen In-Hyun's Man
  • Secret Garden
  • Lie To Me.

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