#27 ; Weekend

The wild side.
How's your weekends, all? Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Well , my weekend are spent with my Bboy♥. Time sure flies, especially weekends. But thankfully, I managed to catch up all my sleep. In a way. But Friday was so tough to sleep >w< Had a nightmare the whole night making me unable to sleep all the way! Seriously, wrong timing to have nightmares. Hate it when it destroy my night. Fuq! Told Bboy♥ about the dream. It's damn fucked! Oh yes, my Bboy♥ was such a lovely boy that day. He bought me something unique. So sweet of him ~ (: I uploaded at my Instagram! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Just follow me if you haven't. My user is @moifragileheart. Don't think already, F O L L O W ! It's a delicious yummehz cake ~ ^-^ Considering to buy something for Bboy♥ but I can't think of any yet. Saturday, went out with his family the whole day!! From Ubi > Bishan > Harbourfront > Tampines > Simei ! Was supaaaaaaa tiring ! T-T My lunch was terrible ! Image and video hosting by TinyPic. The Teppanyaki made me hungry the whole day! It's like NOT FULL at all, so sickening. In the end, I have to eat and eat. My weekends are definitely spend so quicklyyyy. Lunch was that Teppanyaki then KFC (A light one), dinner was Istanbul Laksa, supper was Fillet O Fish! I was effing hungry that day!!! :/

As for Sunday, had vegetarian beehoon and the kueh ~ :] Afternoon, went over to City Hall > City Square > Marina Bay Sands > City Hall > Home~ I got such a busy busy day! Cannot tahan! D: Oh well~ But overall, it's quite nice to have bonding session with Bboy♥ and his family ~ Hohoho despite I am shy. Had Ajisen Ramen over at Marina Bay Sands cos that's the MOST worth it ! :/ My legs are still sore from yesterday D: Oh well ~

Basically, that's my weekend! Image and video hosting by TinyPic I am going off already. Maybe shall blog tomorrow? Loves to all, as always! ^-^

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