#25 ; Present.

Good day people, 
I am having dark eye circles from watching Big. D: I am left with two more episodes buit I am so dead tired. But overall, it's TOTALLY worth the time. But the ending spoil my mood completely =.= Total no link and continuation. Disappointment though but I like both of them. Jeez, yesterday helped Mingen relay a message to Celia. My gosh, I was so touched to his words. But somehow, I pity both their relationship :/ They are so cute together but guess this is how fate works, uh? Love doesn't work if it ain't meant to be. Oh well. Ignore that, I will get all emotional and it's not good.

Lately , been pretty confused ! ): I want buy Samsung Galaxy S2 or Note. But the cost of it is not worth it & yesterday Bboy♥ bring me go Canon Singapore, Best Denki, Challenger to see camera !!! T-T Intending to sell my baby Samsung PL150, the one I bought for Bboy♥ on his birthday. 20th birthday. So it means that this camera is close to 2 years. Amazingly, it has been going through so much with me. H3h3h3h3, I am planning on Canon IXUS , they got many colors and many functions as well. Just that, it ain't dual screen anymore. Oh well ~ Idk what to buy =.= Shall see fate. Hohoho, let's just leave it to fate. I want to buy prezzie for myself but idk what to buy D: How annoying. Recently, I just bought myself two pairs of shoes but the rate of me like that is abit crazy D: Oh well, must save money for future education. Can you believe I thought of buying a dress worth $99 =3 But effing expensive, I rather die. HAHAHAHA. Oh well, I am so contradicting. Anyways, I am heading off already~ Enjoy reading ^-^

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