#11 ; Happy

Oooooh, good news good news~ Okay, I am being lame. But to me, it's like good news? The thought of it makes me go 'Hurrayyyyy.'
  • I got air conditional now in my room ~ 
  • I ate loads of fruits today ; Papaya, Apple & Honey Dew ~ 
  • I had sandwich for breakfast , loving the sandwich ~
  • I am putting all negative thoughts at the back of my mind ~
Oh my! Silly me. I am a happy girl loving happy food. :D In fact, I am so easily contented. I don't quite think so much. Just don't want anything happen to my body can already ^.^ Can you believe I slept in my parents' room yesterday?! T-T Awkward. Totally. But no choice, I don't want die of smelly paint. No idea why the heck they doing so much thing. Super shag, cannot lend sis's lappie to watch True Blood S05EP02. Sian ~ ): Her laptop having issues so no choice. :/ So I have to endureeee , maybe using brother's computer then. Heh. Lately, I am such a weirdo, don't ask me why ~ Yawn ~ Lately, I finished all my drama & no more shows to watch. Oh well ~ Can you believe I tweeted with Caiyu? I can't believe this. But well, she's a friend so just chat ~ No harm done. 

Happy girl do happy things ^o^

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