#468 ; Sickly
Blame no one but yourself. On Monday, I have a really bad blocked nose and a really bad headache suddenly. Maybe it's the aircon so cold then the aircon upstairs is so hot. It might be due to the haze or something is really wrong. On Tuesday, I have a flu and I feel really lousy. Body aching like crazy. Then I went to see a doctor. 37.4! Mild fever, so the doctor prescribed me alot of medicine that I see pointless in. Left office at 1plus cos I can't stand it anymore. Stayed without medicine since I left work. Afraid I am too drowsy. Stayed in Subway for hours before deciding to walk around. Cold and feeble. Desmond thought he saw a ghost. He mentioned I look pale and weak. Finally ate the two Sunflu and I am better. Had buffet, ate as much as I can. Slept in Desmond's shoulder almost immediately. Quick shower and played abit before I crash and sleep. On Wednesday, today, I slept till 838am. Toilet. Took my temperature was 37.4 before I crash. Woke up at 10plus, my tempera...